Living together for a long time is the dream of couples in love. Young people want to walk hand in hand through life. However, long marriages have both positive and negative sides.

Loss of novelty
Just starting to meet, the young man and the girl are interested in each other. They strive to get to know each other better, trying to find out more about their chosen one. As a consequence, they literally live each other.
Having lived together for a long time, a man and a woman understand that they have learned almost everything about their partner. As individuals, they rarely acquire something new and interesting. The desire to get to know each other better disappears.
One of the most important things in a long marriage is keeping husband and wife sexually attractive to each other. The loss of this interest is one of the reasons for separation in adulthood.
A long marriage is fraught with the loss of the novelty of the relationship. Everyday life involves the same actions, situations, problems. Everyday predictability leads to boredom, which gradually develops into irritability.
Intolerance to flaws
If at the beginning of their joint journey, a husband and wife try not to notice each other's shortcomings, then with age it becomes more and more difficult to do this. Irritation from bad habits is growing like a snowball, and it is more and more difficult to restrain your impulses.
If the spouses cannot relate to each other with the same understanding, then this situation can lead to divorce.
Long life together leads to the fact that spouses pay more and more attention to each other's disadvantages. By expressing their dissatisfaction, they force their partner to get rid of bad habits. However, in adulthood, it is very difficult to change your personality.
Disunity of interests
At the very beginning of family building, husband and wife have many interests in common. They equip their home, raise children, and educate them. Partners are more fulfilling themselves as parents.
Having raised their children, having released them from their father's house, the spouses are left alone with each other. Common goals and aspirations disappear - the house is equipped, the children have grown up. In their family life, maladjustment occurs.
If in their youth the spouses have common hobbies, then they have a chance not to lose each other with age.
If the husband and wife do not find a point of interaction, then they will begin to move away from each other. Everyone will go about their own business, paying less and less attention to the affairs of the spouse.
With age, both partners develop health problems. This leaves a negative imprint on the relationship. The inability to express concern for each other is compounded by indifference. Such a relationship is fraught with a final breakup.