Not every mother can afford to be at home with her child until he turns three. In this case, the baby is sent to a nursery, and this is a rather serious moment in the life of a little person. Relatives are worried about how he will feel in an unfamiliar environment, whether they will offend him, whether he will start to get sick. If you take the process seriously, the baby will survive the entry into a new world for him calmly and get used to it quickly. But first you need to complete the paperwork.

- - application to the education committee;
- - medical card;
- - passport of one of the parents or legal representatives;
- - birth certificate.
Step 1
Check with the education committee if there are preschools in your area that accept young children. As a rule, these are kindergartens of a general developmental or combined type, less often of a compensatory one. In some settlements, nurseries have also been preserved as separate children's institutions. Also find out at what age children are taken there. As a rule, they are admitted to the nursery from one and a half years. Some kindergartens take children from one year old and even half a year old.
Step 2
Write a statement on the form the daycare supervisor will give you. Attach copies of your birth certificate and passport. If you have a document proving your eligibility, do not forget to bring it with you.
Step 3
It usually takes some time between the application and the receipt of the voucher. You may have to wait in line. Maybe in your city or village groups for the next year are formed in the spring. Don't waste your time. Like a preschool child, a one and a half year old baby must undergo a full medical examination. First of all, show it to your local pediatrician and explain that you need a medical card for the kindergarten. You will have to go through several more specialists according to the list, which will be given right there in the clinic.
Step 4
If you have to wait for a voucher, but you already know for sure which nursery your baby will go to, start gradually accustoming him to children and educators. This is best done while walking. Nobody forbids mothers with children to walk in kindergarten areas. Let the kid get to know the future "classmates" and get used to the adults who walk with them. If you have already received a ticket, do not rush to immediately take the baby to the group. Give your baby at least 2-3 days to be outside with the children.
Step 5
Take the ticket to the manager. She will direct you first to the medical office, where you will return the card. The head nurse will refer your toddler to the group and include him / her on the meal list.
Step 6
In many nurseries, parents are allowed to be with their newly admitted children in a group. It is possible that on the first day it will not be needed. The kid can be so interesting that he will immediately forget about you. However, do not particularly count on the fact that in an hour or two he will not remember you. Therefore, leave it on the first day for no more than 2 hours. Usually this is in the morning, when children gradually gather in a group, do exercises, have breakfast and study. Then, according to the regime, there is a walk, you can take a walk with your baby right here on the site, and when all the children go to the group, take him home. Leave the baby in the same way for a few more hours.
Step 7
If you see that the child is calm about your absence, leave him until lunch. Pick up before bed and put to bed at home. After a couple of weeks, it will be possible to leave the baby in the nursery for the whole day. If he cries in the morning and does not want to part with you, take it easy. This does not mean at all that he is offended in the manger or badly treated. Be sure you are right. Explain to your child that you cannot stay with him all the time, but you will very soon come and take him home. Your calm tone will definitely affect him.