There are no trifles when raising children. Everything that surrounds a child in childhood leaves a mark on his life forever. And the children's room - first of all.

A great responsibility falls on parents when they start repairs in it. Is it worth it to spend money and buy new furniture? Not at all necessary. It is better to think carefully about the decoration of the walls in order to create comfort and peace for the little man.
You will have to change the interior in the nursery quite often, because every 2-3 years there is a change in the hobbies and needs of the baby. You can make the walls of the room interesting and informative, taking into account the age characteristics of the child and what he likes to do.
Concentration of attention and knowledge of the world around them become important for a child taking the first steps. He may be interested in bright flowers and animals on the walls. For 2-3 year old children, images of various landscapes are suitable. It will be great if you go to choose wallpaper with your children. The wallpaper did not arouse interest in the kid - look for another picture. The unpredictability of a child's fantasy can turn the nursery into something terrible and monstrous, even if the parents decorated the room with the most tender feelings in it.
As soon as the child learns to hold a pencil, he will begin to draw everywhere, including on the wallpaper. Consider this in advance: make the place for the child's art convenient and practical, so that after washing away the old drawings, he will receive a new space for creating his children's "masterpieces".