When the first child appears in the family, joyful and happy changes take place in life. Young parents look after and take care of a small family member. They often wonder how the child sees the world, and if he sees anything at all.

Step 1
Scientists have refuted the claims of grandmothers that a newborn sees the world upside down. At birth, children see their environment in the same way as we do. And despite the fact that the child's visual apparatus is not yet perfect and not fully formed, he has three-dimensional vision, he distinguishes between objects and forms of what he sees.
Step 2
Do not turn on too bright light in the room where the newborn lives. Since his eyes are still sensitive to him. But it is also not worth dimming the light, because if there is a lack of it in the room when the child is awake, then he may lag behind in development from his peers.
Step 3
American researchers have found that in 5-7 days from the moment of birth, babies are able to hold their eyes on objects of complex shapes that move in space. In other words, a newborn is interested in looking at its parents.
Step 4
It has been found that infants like to look at bright, round-shaped pictures with a clear outline. Also, the child can stop looking at black and white patterns. The best object to study is the mother's face while nursing. To interest the baby, you can use a variety of facial expressions - open your mouth or make faces.
Step 5
Also, from the moment of birth, the child hears. As you know, a person begins to perceive sounds while inside the mother's womb. He hears not only the voice of the mother, but also the sounds surrounding her. The born child is sensitive to sounds, he even distinguishes them by height. It was found that newborns respond better to coherent speech of familiar voices, as well as to singing.
Step 6
Up to four months, the baby perceives the world around him in many ways visually. He can participate in the simplest game with the help of a glance - he concentrates it on an adult, showing him "sweethearts" or "goat". After four months, the child can already participate in the game using gestures.