Touched by the newborn, mothers and fathers intuitively bow over him, bringing their face closer to the baby. And this is no coincidence, because the vision of a newborn is different from that of an adult: a newly born little man, unfortunately, will not be able to see his mother.

Step 1
The vision of a newborn baby is very different from that of an adult. Only after being born, the baby sees at a distance of about 40 cm, but the gaze is not fixed on objects. We can say that the first week of his life, the child only distinguishes light spots.
Step 2
It may seem that the baby has seen something - he suddenly shudders sharply in bright light or looks away, but all this happens at the level of reflexes. The child spent 9 months in the womb in pitch darkness, and it is simply necessary to adapt to the world of light. Complication of vision begins only from 2-3 weeks of life, color perception arises, object vision appears.
Step 3
By the end of the first month of life, the baby is able to trace some bright and large objects, by about two months of age a more or less conscious reaction appears to the sight of certain objects (bottles of milk, for example). The newborn does not distinguish small details, he is able to see only the outlines of objects. When it comes to the fact that by the age of 2 months the baby begins to distinguish colors, then you need to understand that we are not talking about the entire spectrum, but only about some shades. Parents often try to surround the baby with calm, pastel colors, but it is necessary to include bright accents in the interior of the room, on which the baby can focus his gaze.
Step 4
The child's vision is constantly developing, becoming better and sharper every week, but only by 12 months can we say that it is more or less formed. Finally, vision becomes "adult" only by the age of 6-7 years.
Step 5
If we describe the infant's vision in stages, then by the end of the first month of life, the child is able to focus on the mother's face, on the feeding bottle - for a short time. From two months, babies begin to follow moving objects with their eyes, show interest in toys, people's faces. Objects located close, newborns are able to notice only by 4 months, and only from half a year, eye movements become truly controlled and conscious. Binocular vision is established only by 9 months, until this time the child's brain is not able to simultaneously process signals from the left and right eyes.