Your child has already grown up, he is one and a half years old, and you decided to send him to a nursery. In order for the baby and for you to start a new life painlessly, you need to prepare thoroughly for the nursery.

Nurseries are kindergarten groups for the smallest pupils. Children from one and a half to three years old are assigned to the nursery. If your child is going to nursery, there are a few things to look out for so that the little one can quickly get used to and get used to the new environment.
First. Toddlers are still young and very attached to their mother. Therefore, the main task of parents is to positively set up their child. Kids, despite such an early age, understand everything well. Try to walk around the kindergarten more often, draw the attention of your son or daughter to the children who are playing in the playground. Tell your child that he will soon go to kindergarten. For example, you can tell him that dad goes to work every morning, and the baby will go to his work in kindergarten, because he is already big, and all adults have to work.
Second. For a child, any change of environment is a great stress. Mother and child are connected by an invisible thread, they feel each other very strongly at a distance. But if you yourself begin to perceive the nursery as a positive place, you will be calm about the fact that the child has entered a new stage in his life, then the baby will feel your confidence. With a positive attitude from his mother, it will be much easier for him to adapt.
Third. To make it easier for the baby to stay in the nursery, it is advisable to teach him to eat and drink on his own / According to the rules of early age groups, children are fed, the main thing is that your child knows what a spoon is for and how to hold it. Many people still drink from the bottle at home. In the nursery, the use of this object is usually not allowed, so the skill of drinking from a mug will be very useful for your child.
Fourth. There are kindergartens in which teachers have a negative attitude towards diapers. How things are with this in your garden, you need to find out in advance. If dealing with diapers is not customary there, try to potty train your child before he goes to the nursery. Children, as a rule, quickly learn to walk to the potty in the company of peers. Due to stress, the baby may not behave naturally at first. But if he is familiar with the pot, it will help him feel more confident.
Fifth. In the nursery, there is such a thing as a regime - a clear schedule when children eat, play, walk and go to bed in a quiet hour. If your child is used to getting up late, eating lunch at different times and not resting during the day, you need to review his day at least two weeks in advance and set him up for toddlers.
Sixth. Encourage your child to attend nursery gradually. Leaving the baby in the group for the whole day and even right before lunch is a big mistake, which threatens that the child may completely lose the desire to be left without you. Let him start walking for a couple of hours at first, gradually increasing the time of stay. Ask the caregivers how the child is doing. Therefore, if you wanted to go to work, it is better to postpone these plans for two or three months until the child finally gets used to it. He should become comfortable in the group to such an extent that he can calmly wait for you until the evening.
Seventh. On the way to the nursery, reassure your baby every time that you will be back soon and be sure to take him home. He should know that he will not be left alone without you for long. If the child cries, be patient, in no case do not scold him for it. Know that with the right approach, he will certainly get used to the new environment.
Eighth. So that the baby does not feel lonely in the nursery, give him a favorite toy with you, a certain part of the house with which he likes to play. It is believed that children who want to go to kindergarten with a toy for the company, get used to it faster.
And, most importantly, believe in your children, be sure that they will succeed. And then this important stage in your family's life will be remembered fondly.