What To Do In The First Months Of Pregnancy

What To Do In The First Months Of Pregnancy
What To Do In The First Months Of Pregnancy

So - soon you will become a mother. The usual rhythm of life will change, priorities will change - everything will become completely different. You need to carefully prepare for this, mentally and physically. Of course, a lot depends on who, how the pregnancy proceeds, especially the first months.

What to do in the first months of pregnancy
What to do in the first months of pregnancy

In the first months of pregnancy, the uteroplacental barrier has not yet been formed. Therefore, everything that you eat is delivered to the developing fetus with the blood flow. Start carefully monitoring your diet. Eliminate alcohol and smoking completely. Do not allow household members to smoke in your presence.

Any medications you take will also be passed on to your child. Therefore, use them only when strictly necessary, and before that, consult your doctor. If the instructions contain contraindications for taking during pregnancy, it is better to replace the drug with a more harmless analogue.

The food you eat should contain a balanced amount of proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is a building material for the growth of a child, and he must receive it in the right quantities for normal development. Avoid strong tea and coffee, these drinks increase the tone of the uterus. Start taking vitamins for pregnant women, the pharmacy will help you choose the right drug.

The expectant mother should get enough sleep and experience positive emotions. If your work is associated with constant nervous tension, if possible, move to another position. The same applies to hazardous industries. Get in the habit of daily walks in the fresh air, the growing baby needs a sufficient amount of oxygen.

If you suffer from any chronic diseases, consult with specialized specialists. Your doctor will advise you on how to treat an exacerbation during pregnancy. Be sure to get tested for genetic pathologies before 14 weeks.

During outbreaks of respiratory diseases, try not to be in a crowded place, and if you cannot avoid this, be sure to wear a medical mask. This will help you and your baby to avoid infection.
