Getting ready for the trip, seen in a dream, regardless of the situation, means a change either in life or in your own thoughts and attitude. Sometimes they symbolize a real departure, but more often they are interpreted as changes in career or personal affairs.

If a sleeping person is going on the road in a dream, this means his readiness to implement his plans. It is good if the collection is detailed, and the clothes to be stacked fit perfectly into the suitcase. This predicts the effectiveness of all undertakings, especially if a lot of effort is invested in them. Some slowness of actions indicates the dreamer's uncertainty in his affairs, and if in a dream he thinks about things for a long time, whether to put them in a bag or not, this means that he thinks too much about his every step and thereby alienates the results of his work. To give yourself confidence, you need to collect as much information as possible about your endeavor and not look back with reflections on the path already traveled.
If the dreamer only thinks about traveling and getting ready for the trip, but cannot start packing his suitcase in any way, this means a delay in his career development due to a lack of purposefulness and inability to show himself favorably in the eyes of his superiors. You should improve your status among those around you and for this you should stop hiding behind the backs of colleagues, learn to take initiative. When in a dream the upcoming training camp causes rejection and reluctance, it means a subconscious unwillingness to move up the career ladder. The dreamer should think about whether it is really necessary for him to take a step up. It may be better to stay in your workplace and earn recognition from your superiors and colleagues by developing your skills.
Sometimes in a dream, preparations for the trip are delayed, since the sleeper cannot find a suitcase, the necessary things, he is constantly distracted and not allowed to finish preparations. It even happens that a person wanders around his own apartment and cannot find a closet. Such painful dreams can be interpreted as an upcoming series of minor troubles and annoying misunderstandings, and the matter will concern the official sphere. Everything will fall out of hand, and the streak of bad luck will drag on if the dreamer himself does not try to find the source of his troubles. Most likely, it lies in a bad mood and inability to find contact with people around him, who will take some of the worries off his shoulders and allow him to take a break from the piled up adversity.
If, getting ready for the trip, a person carefully examines his wardrobe, sorts out the clothes in it and puts them in a new way, this means an attempt to sort out his own thoughts. Having laid out all the ideas accumulated in the head on the shelves, the dreamer will see the most attractive of them and will be able to use the most interesting.