What Is Mediocrity

What Is Mediocrity
What Is Mediocrity

The mediocre person does not stand out from the crowd. He rarely becomes a leader in a team or the soul of a company. Others may find such an individual boring and invisible.

Mediocrity does not strive to live to the fullest
Mediocrity does not strive to live to the fullest

Signs of mediocrity

A mediocre person is distinguished primarily by the fact that he does not have a pronounced individuality. On some important life issues, such an individual does not have a clear point of view or a firm position.

In contrast to charisma, mediocrity makes its owner gray, invisible in the crowd. Such a person dresses and behaves in such a way as to be like everyone else. Often mediocre individuals are passive and lazy. They are not looking for ways of self-expression, not preoccupied with ways of self-development and improving their own talents.

Such people prefer not to look for a new solution, but to think and act in cliches. They easily accept someone else's opinion and can be led. A mediocre person tends to doubt himself, he more believes the opinion of the majority. Therefore, he prefers to be in the shadow of others.

A mediocre person usually does not reach for leadership and does not want to achieve outstanding results in something. Average indicators are its maximum. The will to win rarely accompanies such an individual. Some lethargy is peculiar to him. In addition, he prefers a predictable, boring but reliable existence to an interesting, full of life with a share of risk.

Despite being fairly calm, mediocrity can suffer from reflection, melancholy, and depression. The doubts mentioned above may be mingled with regret or sadness at some loss. Static, immobility, thoughts of the past, longing, self-pity - these are the companions of mediocrity.

For mediocre people such vices as overeating and alcohol abuse are characteristic. After all, they have nothing to kill time, they choose the most mundane, primitive pleasures. They don't realize that they are just wasting their time. Mediocrity can sit in front of a TV or computer monitor for a long time, leaving useful activities to more active and lively people.

It happens that some significant, random events occur in the lives of mediocre people, and radically change their lives. They seem to come to life after sleep, look at their existence from the side and shake themselves. Otherwise, the whole life can pass in fog and boredom.

Reasons for mediocrity

Often, indecisive, mediocre individuals may experience fear of life and self-doubt. They believe that it is better not to stick out, to follow the well-established, proven track, but not to tempt fate. Sometimes such people have low self-esteem. Therefore, they do not believe in their own strength, do not trust themselves.

Mediocrity can also be a consequence of the lack of any life goals and guidelines. If a person does not have an elementary idea of what he wants, then it is difficult for him to start trying and strive for something specific. It's the same with talents. Sometimes people do not develop their abilities because they simply do not know their own strengths and inclinations.