Pregnancy is without a doubt the most amazing and enjoyable time in a woman's life. However, not everyone succeeds in enjoying their pregnancy; this is hampered by many reasons and circumstances that can and should be overcome.

Why You Can't Enjoy Your Pregnancy
Even those women who have long dreamed of a baby and finally got pregnant do not always enjoy pregnancy. Following the euphoria from the joyful news that a woman will soon become a mother, such an unpleasant aspect of pregnancy as toxicosis comes very quickly. With constant weakness, drowsiness and nausea, it is difficult to enjoy pregnancy. Fears of pregnant women very quickly join the ailments, which are especially often experienced by women who are carrying a child for the first time. These fears are often fueled by doctors, informing the expectant mother about any deviations in the tests, ultrasound results, etc. An impressionable pregnant girl can develop an absolutely trivial problem to a cosmic scale, winding up not only herself, but also her loved ones.
A forced change in the usual way of life can also interfere with the enjoyment of pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs to exclude harmful foods, alcohol from her diet, give up dangerous entertainment, heavy sports activities and much more. All of these restrictions can negatively affect a woman's mood.
In the late stages of pregnancy, when, it would seem, toxicosis is already behind, a woman may begin to worry about the rapid weight gain. Fears of pregnant women are very often associated with thoughts that after childbirth it will not be possible to return to their original form.
How to make pregnancy a pleasure
In fact, in order to enjoy pregnancy, first of all, you need to set yourself up correctly. 9 months is not such a long time to seriously worry about the limitations and changes that come with this state. Toxicosis is also a temporary phenomenon that you just need to survive, and in order to do it with the least loss, try to rest more. If you work, take a vacation for this period or ask your doctor for sick leave. Get some sleep, take a walk in the fresh air, do your favorite hobby, and your well-being will improve by itself.
So that fears for the child do not interfere with the enjoyment of pregnancy, study as much information as possible, communicate with women who have already given birth. There are many forums on the Internet where young mothers willingly share their stories about pregnancy and childbirth with each other. If the doctor pointed out a problem, talk about it with those who have already gone through it, most likely, everything ended well. Changes in your figure shouldn't scare you either. If you want to get rid of excess weight, it will not be difficult, and if you also monitor your diet during pregnancy and do not forget about physical activity, you may not get fat at all. It is better to think more about the baby, look after things and toys for him - these pleasant chores will distract from disturbing thoughts and bring pleasure.