If you notice that your child has an emotional instability that appears unexpectedly, then you have a restless child. There may be several reasons for this restless behavior, and you should behave carefully and competently with a restless child.

There are, of course, many reasons for this behavior, but among the many, several can be distinguished.
Crisis (6-7 years old) age when a child learns to manage his emotions and show them according to the situation, but he is not good at it.
Insufficient braking. The child is very impulsive and quickly reacts to everything because he simply does not have time to stop all his emotions in himself. Braking is amenable to training from the age of five.
Ignorance of the child. Often, a child simply does not understand how to correctly express his mood, and because of this, he does not show it in the best way.
How to behave in relation to a restless child? Do not allow him to do absolutely what he wants, and at the same time, do not forbid him everything in the world. It is better to decide for yourself what the child can and cannot do, and coordinate this with the whole family.
It will also not be superfluous to show restraint by example, because children love to imitate so much. Remember, your child needs your attention.
Make sure he does not feel forgotten (often children show their anxiety because of the desire to attract attention), but explain to him that sometimes you have your own business.
In most cases, seizures are associated with a desire to attract attention or to arouse sympathy or pity. Do not indulge your child - wait until he calms down and calmly ask him about the reasons for this behavior.