What To Do With A Restless Child

What To Do With A Restless Child
What To Do With A Restless Child

Sometimes even the most patient and loving parents are overcome by fatigue and they simply do not have the strength to actively play with the child. What to do with the fidget in this case?

How to keep your child busy
How to keep your child busy

1. You can take out old newspapers or magazines and show your baby how to tear paper with your fingers. During this unusual activity, children develop skills such as grasping and related hand movements. It is only necessary to show the kid how to tear the paper correctly. Grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands and pull in different directions.

2. When there is nothing to keep the kid busy, good old plasticine will come to the rescue. It is not at all necessary to sculpt intricate figures from plasticine. Let the baby remember it in his palms for a start, this allows him to develop the muscles of his hands, and is a kind of self-massage. It will be nice if the child makes several holes in the clay with his fingers. Now you can roll the plasticine into a cake and let the child stick small objects into it: pebbles, buttons, beads.

3. You can get your child involved in sorting objects that are piled up in one heap. Let him put buttons in one box and beads in another. This will keep your baby busy for a while. If the child is up to the task, you can increase the number of items to be sorted, for example, add beans or spools of thread.

4. Another option is to give your child a plastic bottle. Let him throw small objects into it that can be taken out of plasticine. It is best to throw objects with one hand while holding the bottle in the other.

5. If there is a rubber bulb in the house, show your child how you can use it to blow pieces of paper or cotton wool off the tabletop. So the child will develop the strength of the hands. The pear can be replaced with a rubber toy with a hole.

6. Here's another idea. Let the child put on everything that is possible on the fingers and hands: curlers, bracelets, hair bands, caps from pens or felt-tip pens. This simple exercise develops fine motor skills very well.

7. Very useful for the child will be such an activity as winding a rope or cord on a reel or stick. If your toddler is up to the task, show him how to roll the rope into a ball.

8. Surely the child will be interested in braiding. Hang up a bunch of ropes and braid a braid, let your baby try to unravel it.

9. Stringing beads on a fishing line will also be interesting. Ordinary buttons can be used instead of beads. This activity can develop correlative movements.
