Any expectant mother should study in advance what is possible, and most importantly, not during pregnancy, so as not to unknowingly harm the baby.

Having learned about her situation, every woman should familiarize herself with the information about what is not allowed during pregnancy. After all, it is during this period that the body is more vulnerable than ever, especially since here we are talking not only about the health of the expectant mother, but also about the life and health of the baby. Therefore, this should be taken with full responsibility: as they say - "forewarned, then forearmed!" It is better to warn yourself in advance and enjoy a happy pregnancy than to disentangle the consequences of unnecessary actions.
1) Alcohol!
I think it’s not worth explaining why you shouldn’t drink alcohol during pregnancy, especially in the first three months (deformities, underdevelopment, miscarriage, etc.).
2) Smoking!
Smoking threatens with hypoxia (lack of oxygen), which in turn can cause a number of problems (miscarriage, premature birth, mental disorders of the baby, developmental delay, decreased immunity).
3) You cannot fly on an airplane after 26 weeks (this may affect the baby or cause childbirth (exceptions are possible after agreement with the doctor)).
4) Do not dye your hair with ammonia dyes (harmful substances can enter the bloodstream, which is not good - you should not risk it). As a last resort, choose an ammonia-free paint or tint shampoo.
5) Do not use hairspray, insect aerosols, do not build up nails with acrylics. And avoid being in a room where something is being painted (all the more so - do not paint it yourself). harmful substances will enter the body through the respiratory tract.
6) Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium and do not take a hot bath. You can have a warm bath or shower. But no aromatherapy - for example, you cannot add oils to the bath (increased uterine tone, miscarriage). Better to use a decoction of herbs - mint, chamomile, string, calendula.
7) You can not lie and sleep on your back and stomach.
In the supine position, the fetus, which over time gains more and more weight, presses on the vessels that pass behind the uterus, thus disrupting blood flow, which negatively affects both the baby's condition (lack of oxygen and nutrients) and the mother's condition (pain in the back, lack of oxygen, hemorrhoids, pressure problems).
8) If the baby is in the correct position (head down) - you cannot raise your hands up.
9) Do not take any medications or herbs on your own!
10) No heavy loads and exercises (with the permission of the doctor yoga, swimming, light workouts and exercises for pregnant women).
11) Sex after consulting a doctor.
12) Do not sit cross-legged.
13) During pregnancy, fluorography and x-rays should not be done.
I don't think it's worth saying that all vegetables and fruits must be washed!
- caffeine, carbonated drinks, green tea; - spicy, very fatty, fried; - mackerel, tuna; - shellfish, sushi, rolls (only with vegetables); - unpasteurized milk and cheeses; - eggs (you can only "hard boiled" and quail in any form); - raw and semi-raw meat, semi-finished products, cold smoked sausage, pate; - no dyes, crisps, croutons, etc.; - fewer allergens (citruses, strawberries, chocolate, tomatoes).
15) Watch your health and dress warmer - any cold can harm;
16) Do not look at ugly pictures, photos, aggressive videos - everything that causes negative emotions;
17) No nerves and stress.