38 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Harbingers Of Childbirth

38 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Harbingers Of Childbirth
38 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Harbingers Of Childbirth

The 38th week of pregnancy is often the last, especially if the woman is not carrying her first child. A baby preparing for birth can already weigh more than 3 kg and reaches 48-50 cm in length. In order not to miss the moment of the onset of labor, you must carefully monitor the appearance of special signs.

38 week of pregnancy: description, harbingers of childbirth
38 week of pregnancy: description, harbingers of childbirth

Fetal development

At the moment, the child is already ready for birth. His body is formed. The placenta is aging and thinning, through which the fetus has been feeding all this time, so weight gain is slightly inhibited: most of the nutrients are spent on maintaining the life of the plump baby. By putting your ear to your mother's belly, you can feel the fetal heartbeat, which is 120-160 beats per minute.

By the onset of 38 weeks, the baby becomes very cramped in the uterus, so pushing and wiggling now occur less often. The grasping and sucking reflexes are well developed, and the organs are ready to begin full-fledged work immediately after the expected birth. In particular, a pulmonary surfactant has formed on the surface of the alveoli, which will help the baby take the first breath after birth. The liver, pancreas and intestines are ready to join in the active work of assimilating and breaking down food.

Outwardly, the fetus is no different from the newborn. He has pinkish and smooth skin, and his head is covered with quite thick hair. Nails may protrude from the fingertips. Male infants already have testicles descended into the scrotum. In general, the size and weight of a baby depends on hereditary data, therefore, small-sized parents are likely to have a small baby, and a tall and large mom and dad should be prepared for the possible appearance of a real "hero".

What the expectant mother is experiencing

This week, a woman may experience mood swings, and the emotional background is generally increased. Long-term pregnancy has noticeably weakened the body, and, it would seem, I would like an early onset of childbirth. On the other hand, the imminent onset of a painful and sometimes dangerous procedure can give off fear and mild panic. Also, the constant expectation of prenatal contractions can drive a woman into a stressful state.

The feeling of fatigue makes itself felt most of all. A large and heavy belly does not allow you to stay on your feet for a long time, there are unpleasant sensations in the back and lower back. At the same time, the woman understands that there are many things ahead, for example, the arrangement of the nursery, the purchase of essential things for the child, but there is not enough strength for this.

The uterus is actively preparing for childbirth, the height of the bottom of which is approximately 35-38 cm, and it is located at a distance of 16-18 cm from the navel. The cervix gradually softens. An increasingly sinking belly ceases to press on the lungs and stomach, so it becomes easier to breathe, and frequent heartburn disappears. However, urination now occurs even more often, as the pressure on the bladder has increased many times. Diarrhea can also occur - an inevitable companion of a woman until the very end of pregnancy.

What else is typical for late pregnancy:

  1. Weight. During this period, women often lose weight, which is explained by the preparation of the body for childbirth and getting rid of excess substances and fluids. Also, this is facilitated by the discharge of the mucous plug, which protects the cervix from infections. In general, for the entire pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother can gain up to 10-15 kg. Those who do not follow their diet and lead a sedentary lifestyle can put on more weight, and this only worsens their well-being more.
  2. Swelling. A slight expansion of the limbs is considered normal, but a significant increase in their size, accompanied by an increase in weight, may be a sign of gestosis and requires a visit to a doctor.
  3. Stretch marks. Bad-looking streaks can appear on the abdomen, chest, thighs and buttocks due to tight and itchy skin. Some of them will go away after childbirth on their own, while others can be eliminated with the help of special cosmetics.
  4. Turning the navel inside out. This is a completely normal phenomenon that passes after childbirth and is usually observed in previously thin women, as well as during pregnancy with twins.

Harbingers of the onset of labor

A pregnant woman should always listen to her body and understand when a clear urge to give birth begins. The main signs indicating that it is time to go to the hospital are the following:

  1. Braxton Hicks contractions. These are special training contractions, showing that the uterus is warming up before the upcoming procedure. Typically, these contractions begin about 1-2 weeks before the baby is born. Shortly after the birth itself, the frequency of contractions increases, and they occur every hour.
  2. Colostrum is excreted from the breast. It is a whitish-yellow thick liquid that your baby will eat for the first few days after birth. Immediately before childbirth, colostrum begins to flow almost continuously, leaving noticeable stains on the bra.
  3. The abdomen goes down noticeably, and also seems to be petrified - a clear sign that the child has taken an optimal position and is ready to be born.
  4. Discharge of amniotic fluid. This symptom becomes extreme before childbirth, therefore, if you notice abundant and watery vaginal discharge, urgently call an ambulance.

Useful Tips

Often, women in the last weeks of pregnancy relax and stop thinking about anything else. In fact, it is important to gather the last strength and follow special recommendations that will help in the near future. You need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a bag for a trip to the hospital, which should contain the necessary things for the mother and the unborn child, as well as documents.
  2. Eat only healthy and low-fat foods, excluding all flour, sweet and fried foods. Lean on fruits and vegetables, take vitamins prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Do not wear a bandage so that it does not put unnecessary pressure on your abdomen. Try to sleep in a comfortable and free position, such as on your back.
  4. Visit the hospital where the procedure will take place in advance and discuss with the doctor the possibility of early hospitalization.
  5. Take leisurely walks in the fresh air and, if possible, do gymnastics for pregnant women.

Otherwise, do not panic and try to worry without unnecessary reason. Divide responsibilities between immediate family members and your husband. Make sure everything is ready at home to accommodate your child. It is also important to know the basic information on how to feed and care for your newborn.
