2 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Signs, Test

2 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Signs, Test
2 Week Of Pregnancy: Description, Signs, Test

The second week of pregnancy is a very early period of fetal development, and during this period a woman often does not even suspect that she is expecting a baby. If the fact of pregnancy is established, an inevitable desire arises to find out what is happening at that moment in the body.

At 2 weeks of pregnancy, some signs may already appear
At 2 weeks of pregnancy, some signs may already appear

Second week of pregnancy from a medical point of view

In medicine, the onset of the second week of pregnancy is counted two weeks after the previous menstruation. From an embryonic point of view, counting is carried out from the middle of the cycle. As for another, "female" point of view, some of the fair sex start counting with a delay in menstruation. This has its share of rationality: if there is a delay, a woman can immediately guess the reason for this condition.

It is worth understanding what is happening in the body from the point of view of the obstetric and embryonic approach. In the first case, according to doctors, in the second week of pregnancy, the body is only preparing for a possible conception. The maturation of the next egg comes to an end, and the onset of ovulation occurs. When planning conception, a woman monitors the cycle and is aware of the onset of an important day. However, the pregnancy itself, as such, has not yet come from a medical point of view. When measured according to the embryonic method, the second week means just the direct development of the fetus. The fetal egg has already been fixed in the uterine cavity, and the future baby is actively growing.

Is it possible to carry out a pregnancy test

Considering that from a medical point of view, there is still no pregnancy in the second week, you should use a test not for her, but for determining ovulation, which is also sold in pharmacies. In addition, basal temperature measurement, which is carried out every morning, immediately after waking up, helps in calculating ovulation. The thermometer is placed in the mouth, rectum, or vagina. If ovulation occurs, the basal temperature rises slightly.

The most impatient can still use a pregnancy test, which is able to demonstrate an actual result a couple of days before the expected menstruation. To get accurate information after two weeks of the embryonic period, you should adhere to several recommendations:

  • the most accurate results are given by modern tests in the morning;
  • a single use of the test does not guarantee an accurate result, therefore it is better to carry out 2-3 checks every few days;
  • the recommended testing time is in the first days of the delay, and not before the onset of menstruation;
  • the test results appear within 10 minutes, so it is worth waiting a little to make sure that the second strip is present or not;
  • when buying tests, you must check their expiration date.

It is worth noting that in a two-week embryonic period in women, the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) rises, therefore, to detect pregnancy, you can resort to an appropriate blood test in the clinic. Also, it will be useful to visit a gynecologist who is able to report the presence of pregnancy by increasing the uterine cavity during its examination.

Physical and psychological sensations in the second week

During ovulation, a woman usually does not experience any noticeable sensations. On the contrary, menstrual pains, accompanying weakness and other unpleasant moments disappear. However, a couple of weeks after conception, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • the breast swells, and the nipples become sensitive;
  • there is discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • the first signals of toxicosis appear (appetite is disturbed, nausea occurs).

It is worth noting that a two-week period is an extremely short period for the manifestation of these and other symptoms, so they may not exist at all. In addition, often sensations arise not because of pregnancy, but in connection with psychological experiences. For example, a woman really wants and strives to get pregnant, so it seems to her that the accompanying changes in the body have already come.

Various other signs may be characteristic of the two weeks of the embryonic cycle. For example, during this period, there is a decrease in blood pressure and a slight increase in urination. Taste preferences can change and the sense of smell gradually becomes more sensitive. These symptoms are observed against the background of rapid hormonal changes in the body, which is not characteristic of the normal state of the woman's body.

Discharge at the initial stage of pregnancy

In most women, in the first two weeks of fetal development, discharge from the genital tract of a different nature is periodically observed. These include:

  1. Mucous discharge resembling egg white. They are observed in small quantities, odorless. This is a completely normal sign of the onset of pregnancy, demonstrating the normal course of hormonal changes in the body.
  2. Bloody issues. They have nothing to do with menstruation and appear rather sparsely, leaving only a brownish mark on underwear or toilet paper. This sign suggests that ovulation is in full swing, and the fertilization of the egg has already occurred or will come in the near future.
  3. Profuse bleeding. This can be either an ordinary menstruation, which began due to the absence of pregnancy, or a sign of the presence of gynecological diseases or other problems with the body. If the bleeding does not stop, you need to see a doctor urgently.

How the fetus develops after pregnancy

If we touch not the medical method of counting, but the embryonic approach, then a wide variety of processes take place inside the woman's body. The fertilized egg is fixed inside the uterine cavity and begins to divide rapidly. Gradually, a unicellular embryo turns into a multicellular one (morula). In the near future, the development of the basic systems of the child's future organism will already begin. When using the obstetric approach, in the second week, ovulation is just taking place in the female body, and the mature egg leaves the follicle.

When undergoing an ultrasound scan in the second week after conception, it is still difficult to obtain a sufficient amount of information. When scanning the uterine cavity, you can see a barely noticeable black dot - an embryo. It would be better to have a little patience and look to the doctor at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, when the most interesting thing begins: the equipment will be able to record the beating of the tiny heart of the unborn baby.
