A huge number of married couples dream of pregnancy, but nothing comes of it. Therefore, it is important to know when this is possible. Let's explore this information.

Many are wondering when is the highest probability of getting pregnant. The duration of the menstrual cycle is usually 21-34 days. The likely days for fertilization are in the middle of the cycle - it is at this time that ovulation usually occurs. For example, for a cycle lasting 30 days, ovulation will occur on days 15-17.

Then the egg cell lives for about a day, and the sperm, which are in the genital tract of a woman, live for 3-4 days. Therefore, accordingly, it is better to engage in conception 3 days before, during and immediately after the expected ovulation. By the way, remember - it is better to have sex not every day, but to take breaks for 1-2 days - in this case, the quality and composition of the sperm will improve!
Signs of onset ovulation:
1. Change in BT (basal temperature).
The temperature should be measured every day, immediately after waking up, not yet getting out of bed. During ovulation, the temperature increases by 0, 4-0, 8 degrees.

2. Changes in vaginal discharge.
As they approach ovulation, they look like cream (yellowish or whitish). On the days of ovulation, they are slippery, transparent and elastic - this makes it easier for the sperm to move to the egg.
3. Pain in the ovarian region (lasting several minutes 1-2 days).
4. Change in LT (luteinizing hormone).
It is thanks to this change that a test bought at a pharmacy shows the onset of ovulation.