Urine Tests During Pregnancy: Transcript

Urine Tests During Pregnancy: Transcript
Urine Tests During Pregnancy: Transcript

During pregnancy, a woman is assigned to undergo a general urine test, which determines the state of her health, identifies possible threats to the body of the mother and child. If desired, the future woman in labor can personally familiarize herself with the results of the analysis by examining the leaflet received in the laboratory.

Urine tests during pregnancy: transcript
Urine tests during pregnancy: transcript

Color and transparency

The first column in the test results is the color of the urine. In a healthy person, it has a color ranging from straw to orange. The latter (sometimes also referred to as "bright yellow") is considered the norm for pregnant women, since expectant mothers take a lot of vitamins. Not too bright color or even colorless urine can be caused by the use of a small amount of fluid or its loss (during the period of toxicosis).

An unusual color of urine most often indicates the presence of a disease. This includes the following shades:

  • strong tea - pathology of the gallbladder or liver;
  • rose red - kidney infections;
  • greenish yellow - gallstone disease or the presence of pus in the urinary system;
  • dark brown - hemolytic anemia;
  • milk - cystitis, pyelonephritis and other urinary tract infections.

After the color, the degree of transparency of the liquid is indicated. The urine of a healthy person should be clear. If it is a little cloudy, it is likely that epithelium and mucus are present in the analysis. In some cases, the lack of transparency is not at all a pathology. This can be explained by the fact that the sample was not delivered to the clinic immediately, and was stored for some time after taking. Also, cloudy urine occurs in those who consume little water. Leukocytes, erythrocytes and bacteria cause severe cloudiness.

Specific gravity and acidity

The specific gravity (relative density) of urine is determined by the amount of chemicals dissolved in the urine excreted by the body and entering it along with food and fluids. In a healthy person, this figure is about 1035 g / l. If the density value is exceeded, there may be dehydration, toxicosis, diabetes mellitus, or glomerulonephritis. A decrease in specific gravity can cause heavy drinking or kidney disease.

The acidity of urine (reaction to pH) in a pregnant woman gives a value from 5 to 8, depending on the diet. Protein products and fats contribute to an increase in acidity, and vegetable products and dairy foods contribute to a decrease. If the value is exceeded, problems such as bacterial infections or kidney failure are likely. When it decreases, there may be:

  • diabetes;
  • diarrhea;
  • fever
  • tuberculosis.

Protein and sugar

The norm is the absence of protein in the urine, but in pregnant women, a value of 0.033 g / l is allowed, which can be caused by the consumption of a large amount of protein food, emotional distress and a strong load on the kidneys. Protein is formed due to the fact that the kidneys are gradually squeezed more and more by the growing uterus, and also enters the urine with vaginal discharge. Excessive amounts of protein usually indicate the presence of kidney disease or urinary tract infections.

Sugar in the urine of a healthy person should be absent. In pregnant women, it is often detected in amounts up to 0.083 mmol / l. This phenomenon is caused by emotional stress, obesity, and the use of carbohydrate foods. A higher value may be due to diabetes mellitus, renal and other types of diabetes.

The presence of pathological substances

You should be wary if components such as were found in the urine:

  • bilirubin;
  • ketone bodies;
  • nitrites;
  • hemoglobin.

Bilirubin can be present in urine with viral hepatitis, obstructive jaundice and other diseases that impede the flow of bile. In this case, the liquid turns dark. If ketone bodies are found, it is likely that the body is dehydrated or experiencing toxicosis. There is also a risk of developing diabetes. The presence of nitrites indicates urinary tract infections, and hemoglobin indicates hemolytic anemia.

Microscopic examination of urine

With a microscopic examination of urine, the results of which are placed at the end of the analysis report sheet, the number of protective cells is determined, as well as the presence of pathological microorganisms and various impurities. For example, red blood cells in the urine of a healthy person should be absent or found in the amount of 1-2 cells. An increase in this indicator indicates the presence of renal diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system. Ideally, leukocytes should also be absent in urine (up to 5 cells are considered normal). Their increased content indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys and the presence of a pronounced infection in the body.

The presence of several epithelial cells is allowed, which enter the urine through various parts of the urinary tract, including the urethra, pelvis and ureter. The renal epithelium should normally be absent. An increase in the corresponding type of cells indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body. In addition, microscopic examination reveals the number of casts - casts of renal tubules of protein or cellular composition. Hyaline casts made of protein may be present in small amounts, which is considered normal in an active lifestyle. If cell casts are present in the urine, this always indicates some kind of pathology.

It is necessary to be alert if mucus is found in the urine. Its presence indicates the possible presence of inflammatory diseases in the body or insufficient hygiene of the genitals. If bacteria and fungi were found during the analysis, this is a clear signal that there are infections of the genitourinary system (cystitis, urethritis, candidiasis and others). In this case, an additional analysis of urine for bacterial culture is required, which allows you to determine the type and number of bacteria. In some cases, a small amount of mucus may pass into the urine with vaginal discharge.

The presence of salts in the urine becomes an unfavorable factor. They are usually found in fluid with an abnormally acidic environment and can be a precursor to kidney stones. In addition, they are often detected during malnutrition and during toxicosis. Their increase is caused by seafood, fatty meats, spices, overly salty foods. Women, in whose urine there is an excessive amount of salts, are prescribed an additional ultrasound of the genitourinary system, and a special diet is prescribed that normalizes the body's work.
