Men who cannot survive the painful separation from their beloved often doom themselves to loneliness and are deprived of the opportunity to find happiness again. That is why you need to be able to cope with your pain and find the strength to live on.

Step 1
Try to understand what caused the breakup. Do not be self-deprecating and at the same time do not blame only your ex-girlfriend for everything. You just have to calmly think it over and understand where you went wrong. Bitter experiences will help you build better relationships in the future and not step on the same rake again.
Step 2
Do not neglect communication with other people, including women. By closing in on yourself and choosing loneliness and voluntary seclusion, you only worsen the situation. You do not need to compare every acquaintance with your ex-girlfriend, try to consider the features of a lost lover in women. Just chat, go to the movies with friends, go out of town, have fun.
Step 3
Understand that you have broken up with your girlfriend for good. Often people torment themselves for years with the hope for the return of love, for a magical restoration of relations. Get rid of illusions. It will hurt, but if you don't, the pain will be much more terrible and lasting, and over time you will just get used to living with it and give up.
Step 4
Change your life. Stop going to places that make you associate with your ex, get rid of her love gifts and pictures. In some cases, it may even be appropriate to make repairs or at least slightly change the interior of the apartment: purchase new textiles and decor, rearrange furniture, etc. Your home doesn't have to remind you of your ex-girlfriend's happy hours every second.
Step 5
Stop idealizing your past. Looking back, people often tend to see only the pleasant in the lost love, especially if the separation was painful. This makes it even worse: the man reproaches himself that he has lost such a beautiful, intelligent, beloved, the best woman in the world. But this is a lie. Remember quarrels, unpleasant situations, resentments. Relive them, remind yourself how much your ex-lover hurt you. This will make it easier for you to forget her.