How Powerful Is The Thought?

How Powerful Is The Thought?
How Powerful Is The Thought?

In the modern world, esotericism is becoming more and more popular. In this regard, one can hear more and more often that thought is material. If desired, you can find confirmation of the impact of thoughts on a person's life, even if you do not take into account esoteric considerations.

How powerful is the thought?
How powerful is the thought?


From an esoteric point of view, everything in the world is energy - denser (material reality) and more subtle (thoughts, emotions). Consolidating, thoughts, intentions and feelings after a certain period of time materialize and turn into what people observe around them. From this follows the postulate that a person himself creates his reality and his life with his most powerful feelings and frequent thoughts. Therefore, it is better if these are positive, meaningful intentions than negative beliefs, spiteful wishes and depressive reflections.

It is believed that not all thoughts have an equal chance of materializing. So, people with powerful energy and good karma have stronger thoughts and intentions that come true faster. Having a constant internal monologue weakens thoughts. In addition, the frequency of the reproduction of thoughts matters. The more a person thinks about something, the more he believes in something, the faster it becomes reality. Fears and apprehensions tend to attract what a person is afraid of.

In the literature, there are recommendations on how to attract this or that event or desired thing into your life by the power of thought. The authors recommend that you define your desire in detail, form the most clear image of a fulfilled desire and think about it every day for several minutes. The rest of the time, you should not think about him, and even more so to experience or experience too strong emotions of lust, since the excessive potential of emotions can delay the realization. Instead, you need to feel as if the wish has already come true, but at the same time be ready to do without it.

Psychology and physiology

If we move away from esotericism, we can see that the influence of thoughts on a person's life has simpler explanations. One of the striking examples of this is the things, buildings, transport that people see around them every day. Once upon a time, all these objects were just images, thoughts in the minds of inventors, architects, designers and other creators, until they realized their ideas. In this case, we can say that the power of thought of these people depended on their perseverance and willpower, which they had to show in their work to implement their projects.

Also, the way of thinking plays an important role from a psychological point of view. Each person has a so-called individual filter of perception. In the world around him, he notices first of all what corresponds to his system of ideas and beliefs. So, one person will complain about the rain, and the other will be glad that he does not have to water the flowers in the country, this will change their mood for the better or worse. A person who considers himself lucky is determined to look for and notice interesting and profitable opportunities for himself. With his good mood, he attracts people to him and gets useful connections. Conversely, a pessimist may refuse a new opportunity, because can not even imagine that she can give him something good. Optimists are more decisive, less susceptible to doubts, and more active. Naturally, this makes them more effective and successful.

It has also been proven that good and bad mood, positive and negative emotions (arising from certain thoughts) affect the health of the body, internal organs and the self-regulation system, muscle tone, as well as the appearance of a person. No wonder the so-called psychosomatic diseases are distinguished. And from a person's face, you can understand what thoughts visit him most often. For example, in a sad person, over time, the corners of the mouth become steadily drooping, the cheeks sag, the face looks tired and drooping.
