Lack of self-confidence can prevent you from achieving some important goals. Lack of adequate self-esteem also hinders building relationships with other people.

- - paper;
- - pen
Step 1
Realize how important self-confidence is to a happy life. She helps build a personal life and career. It is easier for a person who values himself / herself to cope with some difficulties. If you don't get the pleasure you deserve from life, have difficulty communicating, or can't figure out yourself, you need to work on yourself.
Step 2
Think about how well you know yourself. It may sound strange, but some individuals do not know themselves. Therefore, they cannot accept their own personality. Analyze why you react in one way or another to certain events, what is your character. Think about the various stages of your life path to compose the most complete self-portrait.
Step 3
List your own strengths. Take a piece of paper and a pen and start listing the qualities you like about yourself. There should be no less than ten positive traits, or even several times more. Think about how you managed to get out of difficult situations, and determine what qualities helped you in this. Now take a look at this list. You have something to love and value yourself for. You are a good person and worthy of self-respect.
Step 4
Decide on your main goals. Knowing where you are heading along the path of life will add confidence to you. If you carefully considered the second step and thought about who you are, what kind of person you are, then now you can determine what you want, what is important to you.
Step 5
Think if you know how to present yourself. A confident person can be himself. He is calm and pleased with himself. Such an individual keeps at ease, walks easily, straightening his shoulders. Someone who has problems with self-esteem demonstrates stiffness and tightness with their entire body. Sometimes it is worth adjusting your posture, and the spirit can perk up.
Step 6
Only wear clothes that you feel confident in. Fashionable wardrobe items that do not give a sense of physical and psychological comfort must be mercilessly disposed of. Wear what suits you. Clothing that makes you look solid or harmonious will help you increase your self-confidence.
Step 7
A self-confident person knows how to build effective communication with other people. To do this, you need to objectively interpret the behavior of others. A notorious person is sometimes inclined to think out for others, to cheat himself, to dramatize the situation. Try to soberly and impartially evaluate the words and actions of others. It is also important to learn how to argue your point of view. Then you will be more confident in expressing it and will be able to protect your own interests.