If you decide to return your ex-lover, you can try to "anchor" him. In psychology, this term denotes a sign that is associated with a certain person. It can be a smell, gesture, action, object, etc. Over the course of their life together, such leads accumulate quite a lot, and they continue to operate even after the break.

Step 1
Arrange a "casual" meeting. Most often, after parting, people begin to avoid places where they were happy with their soul mate. And it is right. You need to take a break from each other, to reflect. But after a while, your ex will start visiting his favorite cafes and other vacation spots. "Accidentally" meet him there. Naturally, try to be at your best - cheerful, beautiful and cheerful. Say hello nicely, and then act according to the circumstances: if he wants to communicate - communicate, no - do not impose your society. The next meeting can be scheduled in a different place and no earlier than a week later. Unless, of course, he calls you earlier.
Step 2
If you are going to meet with an ex-spouse, use his favorite perfume. Fragrances are extremely important for relationships - men and women subconsciously choose their partners by smell. Familiar spirits will make your ex-lover constantly think about you, even if he himself does not want to. You can also use jewelry, clothing, and much more as a clue. The main thing is for a man to associate this thing only with you. When talking, focus your ex-husband's attention on the "anchor" - twist it casually, play.
Step 3
Use sexual gestures. Periodically perform the actions that your ex-lover observed during the peak of the relationship: comb your hair, tint your lips, straighten your hair, etc. These gestures should look natural and casual. When you see an interested look, "throw the bait": ask if he has seen a new film or play, and tell him that you are going to see it.
Step 4
In between meetings, occasionally send an SMS to your ex-spouse. Congratulate him on the victories of your favorite team, birthdays, holidays. If he answers with dry "thank you" - be silent. And one day write how you miss him and disappear for a week. If you managed to stir up the feelings of your ex-husband, he will find you himself.