How To Find Out How Tall Children Will Be

How To Find Out How Tall Children Will Be
How To Find Out How Tall Children Will Be

To calculate the height of a child, you need to reliably know only two numbers: the height of mom and dad. If parents are trying to find out the specific adult parameters of their baby, they will also need to grow at the age of 1 year.

How to find out how tall children will be
How to find out how tall children will be

The wisdom of the ages

Each formula has its own creator, but the most popular version of determining the height of a child has lost all connection with its author. However, the algorithm inspires confidence. In order to determine the height of their son, parents need to add up their growth indicators, expressed in centimeters, multiply this amount by 0.54, and then subtract 4, 5 from the resulting number. The estimated height of the daughter is calculated according to a similar scheme, only the total height of the parents is multiplied by 0, 51, and 7, 5 is subtracted from the final result.

Hawker method

Dr. Hawker, who works in a clinic with the exotic name "Mayo", has proposed his own version of how to determine the growth of a child in the future. The essence of the calculations is as follows: the height of the mother and father (in centimeters) is added and divided by 2. The result is the arithmetic mean of these numbers. To find out the boy's height, add 6, 4. For a girl, on the contrary, subtract 6, 4.

Frame Method

The Czech scientist V. Karkus derived his own formula for calculating the height of a child. To determine the height of the boy, add 1.08 to the mother's height, then add the father's height and halve the result. The girl's height is calculated in a slightly different way. The father's height is multiplied by 0.923, added to the mother's height and also halved.

Range of values

Professor Vladimir Smirnov, like his research colleague endocrinologist Gleb Gorbunov, demonstrated serious awareness of this issue with their version of calculating the child's height. Their formula allows you to get not one value, but a whole range between the maximum and minimum growth. To find out the possible height of the son, you need to summarize the indicators of your own height, increase this amount by 12, 5 and divide by 2. Adding 8 to the total number, you can determine the maximum height of the boy, and on the contrary, reducing the total indicator by 8, the minimum height value will be obtained. The daughter's height is calculated in a similar way, only the number 12, 5 is not added to the total parental height, but is subtracted from it.

The previous options for determining the height of a child offer very hypothetical calculations, as a result of which mothers and fathers will only know the most likely height of children. The real numbers may differ from the actual ones in one direction or another. However, there is also a popular way to determine what the child's growth will be in the future. The scheme is as follows: the growth of a child, achieved at 1 year, increases by 1 meter (for boys) or 95 cm (for girls).
