How To Find Out By Hand How Many Children There Will Be

How To Find Out By Hand How Many Children There Will Be
How To Find Out By Hand How Many Children There Will Be

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People who are inclined to plan their lives often wonder if it is possible to know in advance how many children there will be. This can be recognized by the hand, although in our time the lines of the hand indicate, rather, the possibility of a person to have a certain number of children, and not that there will be just that many.

Minor lines are better visible if the palm is slightly bent
Minor lines are better visible if the palm is slightly bent


The ability to navigate the lines of the palm


Step 1

Find the "reference points" on your hand. The Hill of Mercury is under the little finger. The Heart Line starts between the base of the index and middle fingers and goes towards the little finger. This is one of the main lines, it is usually clear, so it is more convenient to look for smaller lines from it.

Hand with lines of heart and love marked on it
Hand with lines of heart and love marked on it

Step 2

Find the marriage line in the palm of your hand. This is a small line on the edge of the palm between the base of the little finger and the end of the heart line. It is also called the line of love. It shows how many strong heart affections a person will experience throughout his life.

Step 3

Find the lines of the children. They move away from the marriage line. Pronounced deep lines foreshadow sons, thin ones speak of daughters.

Step 4

It is possible to determine the period of life in which children have the greatest chance of being born, but approximately. Divide mentally the gap between the line of the heart and the upper border of the hill of Mercury by three. Each such part is approximately 25 years old. Look at which of these segments are the line of marriage and the line of children.
