How you want to capture all the wonderful moments associated with your child. Almost all parents with the birth of children also become photographers. But it is not always possible to make beautiful photographs.

Step 1
Do not force your child to pose on purpose, instead film your child's routine. Try to catch every moment yourself: eating, sleeping, playing, smiling.
Step 2
Remember the technical characteristics of your phone or camera. It is better to turn off the flash, because the child may be frightened, and even if this does not happen, the baby will most likely close his eyes anyway. But with the shooting modes, try to figure it out and choose the best option for yourself (portrait mode, if the child can sit still, or tracking mode, if the baby is in motion all the time). Don't forget about focusing.
Step 3
If you need to take a family photo or for the child to look clearly at the camera, and the phrase: "Now the bird will fly out" does not help, then use special toys-attachments for the lens. These can be knitted independently or purchased. They are very popular now. You can also use simpler methods: clap your hands, sing loudly children's songs, or make faces.
Step 4
You can try to make a real genre composition while the child is sleeping. Here your imagination and any materials at hand will help you to create a wonderful frame for you.

Step 5
Remove all unnecessary from the frame. You don't have to go to a special studio for a beautiful photo, you can always find a good background at home. The main thing is to remove all the pogroms of the baby in the form of scattered toys and all unnecessary items. Nature always remains a wonderful background, especially in sunny weather.