When Baby Teeth Change Completely

When Baby Teeth Change Completely
When Baby Teeth Change Completely

The process of eruption of molars is less painful than milk teeth. However, almost every child experiences a feeling of discomfort. In rare cases, serious ailments are possible - fever, severe pain or bleeding of the gums. Changing milk teeth to molars is a natural process of the body.

When baby teeth change completely
When baby teeth change completely

When milk teeth are changed to molars

The process of changing milk teeth is individual. It starts at different times. Sometimes it even drags on to a large extent. The first molars erupt, as a rule, closer to 5-6 years. It is at this time that the majority of children experience a loss of the lower incisors. Teeth completely change closer to 10-12 years.

The treatment of milk teeth is carried out without the use of a drill. A special silver solution is used to protect the damaged or diseased tooth.

The exception in this case is wisdom teeth, which can erupt at absolutely any age. Adults often suffer from this. It is believed that this process is one of the most painful. It can be accompanied by sudden changes in body temperature, severe pain, and swelling of the gums or cheeks.

It should be noted that not all milk teeth are formed. For an adult, 32 teeth are considered the norm, and children 6 years of age do not have more than 20. Sometimes there are exceptions, but this is not a cause for concern.

In some children, the process of changing milk teeth begins at 4 years old, but this does not mean that molars will grow faster. Teething can be rapid or slow down for a while. If by the age of 13-14 the child still has milk teeth or the molars are in no hurry to appear in free places, then it is imperative to consult a specialist. Sometimes baby teeth are pulled out forcibly. This is especially true for those situations when the molar begins to grow "bypassing" or under the milk.

Oral hygiene during the eruption of molars

The growth of the child's teeth must be monitored. Particular attention should be paid to the process of eruption of molars. Parents should understand that all defects that appear during this period can persist for life, and it will be much more difficult to correct them at a later age.

Pulpitis of milk teeth is treated with arsenic mixtures. The use of the filling method in this case is excluded.

Proper oral hygiene is a prerequisite for the growth of strong and healthy molars. The child must be taught to clean regularly, control morning and evening hygiene, and periodically show the baby to specialists.

Loss of milk teeth is accompanied by damage to the gums. Food can get into open wounds, which will cause discomfort or pain to the child. In addition, during this period, there is a high probability of getting some types of infections.

The best way to protect yourself from gum disease is to rinse your mouth with special solutions or herbal decoctions. It is better to consult a pediatric dentist before using them.
