Modern Psychology As A Science

Modern Psychology As A Science
Modern Psychology As A Science

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Modern psychology is a ramified and rather complex system of knowledge, which includes a number of industries that develop independently. The wealth of directions in this science is due to the fact that life has become very complicated over the past few decades. Psychology is faced with tasks, the solution of which requires a painstaking study of new realities related to the individual and his position in society.

Modern psychology as a science
Modern psychology as a science


Step 1

The methods of psychological science and its structure have been steadily developing from decade to decade, the research base is expanding, and the qualifications of specialists are growing. Scientists count several dozen separate disciplines and directions, one way or another related to psychological knowledge. To the traditional branches of psychology, which originated a century and a half ago, new ones are being added all the time, gradually acquiring independence.

Step 2

General psychology continues to occupy the central place in the system of psychological sciences. It acts as an integrator that unites other industries into a single system. General psychology examines the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche, providing scientists with a research methodology and generalized theoretical provisions.

Step 3

Separately, in the structure of modern psychology, it is customary to consider branches that study the problems of types of human activity. This includes labor psychology, clinical, legal and educational psychology. In recent years, the importance of engineering psychology, which deals with the issues of human interaction with technical systems, has greatly increased.

Step 4

Changing economic realities contributes to the development of areas of psychology, in the center of which are the most diverse aspects of management, advertising and business. In a free market economy, the importance of marketing psychology, which is of an applied nature, is growing. Success in entrepreneurial activity comes to those who take into account the psychological characteristics of the interaction between producers and consumers of goods and services.

Step 5

The practical significance of the branches of psychology that study the most diverse aspects of human development is not diminishing. Research in the field of developmental, differential and comparative psychology is in demand. The results obtained by scientists are used in the activities of educational and social institutions. Psychology of abnormal development has become a separate branch, considering the issues of mental and behavioral disorders.

Step 6

Trends in the development of civilization suggest that in the coming decades, the role of psychology in the system of sciences will increase. Researchers believe that the new century will bring flourishing to the human sciences. The individual and the social group are the main units of interactions in society. Knowledge of the laws of the psychology of the individual and the team makes it possible to build effective relationships in modern society.
