How Children Get Teeth

How Children Get Teeth
How Children Get Teeth

Teething is a painful process, often accompanied by fever and a weakened immune system. To alleviate the suffering of the baby, parents can use special gels, rubber rings and elastic toys.

How children get teeth
How children get teeth

When the first teeth appear

The appearance of teeth is a purely individual phenomenon for each child, like weight gain or closing of the fontanelle. There is a misconception that they should be cut in a certain sequence and within a clearly defined time frame, but this is not the case. It all depends on the body and characteristics of the baby, as well as his heredity. In one case, out of 2000, the baby already has one or more teeth at birth, and it also happens that they may be absent for a long time - up to 14-15 months. In many babies, the first teeth appear in the period from 4-7 months, however, deviations from this period should not cause disturbing thoughts in parents.

The order of appearance of teeth and the first signs

As a rule, the teeth of the crumbs erupt in the following order: the first incisors, the second incisors, the first large molars, canines and the second large molars. They usually appear in pairs - top and bottom. By the age of three, a child should have at least 20 teeth. Swollen and painful gums, as well as increased salivation, are the first signs of teething. Often they are accompanied by a fever and severe pain, which makes the baby very nervous and irritable, loses his appetite and refuses to play the usual games. Before the appearance of the tooth on the gum of the crumbs, it will be possible to notice a thin white line, which emits a characteristic clatter when gently tapping with a teaspoon. This means that the tooth will be felt very soon.

If teething is accompanied by frequent watery or bloody diarrhea, you should immediately see your child's doctor.

Negative eruption symptoms

When teething, a child may experience painful symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, and redness of the throat. They are a consequence of the fact that during this period the baby's immunity is greatly weakened, and he can easily be susceptible to various diseases. In some cases, the crumbs may experience diarrhea, which is explained by the acceleration of intestinal motility as a result of strong salivation. At the same time, the stool is watery and not very frequent.

During the period of teething, do not refuse to breastfeed your baby, even if he began to apply twice as often.

How can you help a child?

During the teething period, parents should provide the child with a rubber ring or a safe elastic toy, this will help alleviate the discomfort. If the gums are severely sore, accompanied by loud screaming, refusal to eat, and excessive anxiety, gels or tablets can be used. However, before that, it is better to consult a pediatrician.
