Acetonemic syndrome in children is a dangerous symptom complex process caused by metabolic disorders and the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood. Its timely diagnosis and treatment reduces the risk of adverse effects.

What is acetone syndrome
As a rule, this pathological condition occurs in children with neuro-arthric diathesis, a genetically determined disorder of the metabolism of uric acid and purine bases. It contributes to the development of serious violations of the functions of the internal organs of the child.
Acetonemic syndrome is manifested by crises: the smell of acetone from the mouth, intoxication, repeated vomiting with the smell of acetone, diarrhea or stool retention, spastic abdominal pain, dehydration, subfebrile body temperature. In severe cases, meningeal symptoms and seizures usually appear. Acetonemic syndrome attacks begin to appear at the age of 2-3 years and disappear by 12-13 years.
The reasons for the development of pathology
In most cases, acetone syndrome is caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of carbohydrates in the child's diet, as well as the predominance of fatty acids and ketogenic amino acids in it. The development of pathology is facilitated by the lack of liver enzymes and a violation of the process of excretion of ketone bodies. The metabolic imbalance has a toxic effect on the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.
The provoking factors of acetone syndrome can be various infections, intoxication, stress, malnutrition and severe pain. The development of this pathology in newborns is due to nephropathy (late toxicosis) of the mother during pregnancy.
Treatment of acetone syndrome
With acetone crises, the child's stay in the hospital is indicated. He undergoes a dietary correction, which includes the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates, restriction of fat and an abundant fractional drink of alkaline mineral water and combined solutions ("Regidron", "Tsitorglucosolan"). In addition, cleansing enemas with soda solution are prescribed, which neutralize ketone bodies in the intestines. With severe dehydration, intravenous drip of saline solutions and glucose is performed. Symptomatic therapy involves the use of antiemetic drugs, antispasmodics, and sedatives. With adequate treatment, the symptoms of the crisis disappear after 2-5 days.
In interictal periods, the child is observed by a pediatrician. Dairy and vegetable nutrition, hardening, prevention of infectious diseases and psychoemotional stress are recommended to him. In addition, preventive courses of hepatoprotectors, enzymes, sedatives and multivitamins are prescribed.