Teething Gels

Teething Gels
Teething Gels

There are several symptoms that indicate teething: the baby begins to gnaw everything, suddenly becomes moody, does not sleep well, the baby's gums in the place of the emerging tooth become red and soft. If you suspect that your baby is suffering from growing teeth, you can take action. Eruption gels are a relatively new invention. These gels have both pros and cons.

Teething gels
Teething gels

What are teething gels?

Among the gels for teething, the most famous is Kalgel. The main active ingredient in its composition is lidocaine, which has a local anesthetic effect.

Another gel "Holisal". It contains substances that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effects.

There are gels containing herbal ingredients. For example, "Dentinox". This gel contains anti-inflammatory chamomile and lidocaine. "Kamistad" is a gel practically similar in composition and effect to "Dentinox". But at the same time "Kamistad" is contraindicated for children under 12 years old!

There are not so many purely vegetable gels for teething. For example, the Baby Doctor gel contains extracts of such herbs as calendula, echinacea, chamomile, marshmallow root, plantain and others. This gel has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Since it is based on herbs, this gel is safer to use than the previous ones.

There are other teething gels, but the principle of their action is not fundamentally different from those indicated above.

Advantages of gels

All gels have a local effect without completely affecting the baby's body. They are easy to apply, and the action comes quickly enough. With rare use or at the beginning of the use of the gel, its effect will be quite strong.

Disadvantages of gels

Before using the teething gel, you must read the instructions and find out the doctor's opinion about its use for a particular child. Each gel has its own limitations and contraindications.

Often the effectiveness of this method of relieving teething pain is diminished by the fact that the baby eats most of the gel during application. It is quite difficult to understand how much gel has got on the gums.

All of these gels also include the fact that their action is rather short-lived. During teething, the child develops increased salivation. Saliva simply flushes the gel off the gums.

In addition, with the constant use of gels (except for the Baby Doctor gel), an addiction to the anesthetic components develops, and gradually the baby's body ceases to perceive them.

Lidocaine in teething gels is considered a potent allergen. First you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction to it.

The impossibility of frequent and long-term use of gels forces parents to look for other ways to relieve pain during teething in a baby. The gel is best used in the most acute period. It usually occurs when the tooth is about to emerge from the gum. It is at this moment that the gum swells the most and gives the child a lot of painful sensations.

During the entire period of teething, it is better to resort to a set of measures to alleviate the condition of the baby. It can be herbal teas for mouthwash, anti-inflammatory suppositories, anesthetic syrup, etc. Do not stop your choice solely on teething gels.
