A large number of representatives of the strong half of humanity are firsthand familiar with the problem of early ejaculation. Such failures in bed lead to problems in relations with a woman and dissatisfaction with oneself. Therefore, men are increasingly faced with the question of increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

- - condom;
- - local anesthetic ointments.
Step 1
The causes of premature ejaculation are most often psychological. But often, rapid ejaculation occurs due to an inflammatory disease of the gonads: vesiculitis, colliculitis or prostatitis. Treating early ejaculation is a rather lengthy process. Based on the causes of this problem, the following methods are practiced: injection, drug, physiotherapy, surgical. To do this, you need to seek help from a specialist.
Step 2
You can use helpful tips to help you prolong your intercourse. The first step for men who have difficulty with premature ejaculation is to change their diet and diet. Avoid spicy foods, try not to overeat. Adequate physical activity will help release tension. Have sex as often as possible, do not take long breaks in your sex life. The less often you make love, the faster you will ejaculate upon contact. Perform repeated intercourse, they are usually longer than the first.
Step 3
It will help to increase the time of intercourse using a condom, as it has the ability to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, thereby delaying early ejaculation. The same effect can be achieved by lubricating the glans penis with local anesthetic ointments, which are sold in pharmacies. Very often, men manage to prolong the time of sexual intercourse after taking small doses of alcohol. This is explained by the fact that alcohol slightly dulls sensitivity, slows down reactions. In addition to all this, beer obtained from hops contains a small amount of bromine, which has a calming effect.
Step 4
Foreplay is the basic rule of prolonging sex. Insert the penis into the vagina only after the woman has enough lubrication. At the same time, the head of the penis will not experience intense irritation, and this will affect the delay in ejaculation. If you feel that the moment of ejaculation is near, stop. Press your fingers on the head of the penis where it meets the frenum. So you can temporarily weaken the excitement, you can repeat this manipulation many times.