More than half a century has passed since the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, but this holiday is still celebrated, thereby paying tribute to the heroic feat of the ancestors. Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans, and it is important that the younger generation know and remember their history. Today, teachers and parents devote a lot of time to the topic of war, acquainting children with historical places and monuments. May 9 is the most appropriate occasion for this. What to show to children on Victory Day?

Festive military parades and various festive programs are held annually in Russian cities. Go to them with your children. Demonstration of military equipment, a parade of troops, laying flowers at the Eternal Flame and at the graves of heroes will not leave them indifferent. Take part in the festivities, let the children take part in themed contests. Take with them a short trip to historical sites, monuments to war heroes. Let your children lay flowers on their own, and then from what they saw and heard, express their impressions through a drawing or craft. You can go to the capital of Russia and visit Poklonnaya Gora. There you will find a real memorial complex, which is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Also visit an art exhibition, an exhibition of military equipment, or visit a history museum. There, children can get acquainted not only with military attributes, but also photographs, various documents of that time, see paintings on military topics. The costumed excursions, which are held in many cities of Russia, are interesting for children. Every year on this day, there are original photo exhibitions dedicated to the military theme: outstanding figures, heroes, modern interpretation of military motives. Such photo exhibitions are of great importance: they not only reflect the past, but also show the attitude of the present to the past, to its history, setting an excellent example for children. Go to any park of culture and recreation. There you can see a music program specially prepared for Victory Day, sculpture and artwork on a military theme, or take part in art competitions. In some cities, they organize a special exhibition of wax figures, where heroes of the war, prominent military figures (for example, Marshal Zhukov) are depicted in sculptures. Children should know the heroes by sight. At the end of the day, you can watch the festive fireworks, which are staged on Victory Day.