When choosing a stroller for a newborn, one should proceed from considerations of convenience and practicality. In the first months of life, the baby can do only with a cradle. In the future, as he grows up, he will already need a walking block with a comfortable seat. If the family has a car, then it is better to immediately purchase a 3-in-1 stroller, which has a cradle, a walking block, and a car seat.

Choose a baby stroller with all responsibility
A baby stroller is the first vehicle in which he will have to go for walks and even sleep in the fresh air. Therefore, the main requirement for a stroller for a newborn is convenience and practicality.
For a family living in their own home, there are usually no problems with placing and taking out the stroller. But residents of high-rise buildings need to select such models of strollers that will not take up much space in the apartment, and will easily fit into the elevator, and will not create difficulties when going down the stairs.
Which model of stroller is considered ideal for a newborn?
The classic model with a cradle is the best option for both the child and the mother. In a wide cradle with an even and moderately hard bottom, the baby will not feel constrained, and his body will be in the correct position.
The model, which provides for the possibility of changing the position of the seat, will also be convenient. So the growing baby will be able to see the mother and consider the world around him.
A transforming stroller is both a bedroom and a seating area at the same time. However, due to insufficient rigidity of the base, you should not carry a baby under 3 months of age in it.
Adjusting the height of the handle is another important criterion for choosing a stroller, since all family members are rarely the same height. The seat belts that protect the sitting child from falling will not be superfluous.
As for the size of the wheels, here you should think about the good cross-country ability of the child's vehicle. Large wheels make the stroller heavier, but they make it a so-called all-terrain vehicle.
Optional accessories
When choosing a stroller, you should pay attention to the presence of such useful little things as:
- mosquito net - an irreplaceable thing for protection from midges;
- transparent polyethylene raincoat;
- a bag into which you can put all the necessary things for a walk - a bottle, rattles, napkins;
- an awning that easily attaches to the base of the stroller and protects the baby in sunny weather.
Inflatable wheels "soften" the wheelchair's travel, absorb vibrations and do not create noise. It is better not to choose models with twin wheels - they are suitable for walking on ideal asphalt streets.
How to make it easier to walk with a growing toddler?
After 6 months of age, the child no longer wants to lie in the stroller. And the parents are again faced with the problem of choice, but now of a recreational vehicle.
There are 2 types of strollers on the market, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a hammock in a transforming stroller can be adjusted in height and made a bed for sleeping on the street. However, when choosing it, one should take into account the dimensions and severity of the structure.
A cane stroller, easy to care for and transport, will be appropriate for an already stomping toddler who is difficult to keep in place. He will need such a model for relaxing on a walk or for traveling long distances.