The world is full of girls. You encounter them every day in transport, shops, cafes and just on the street. If among them you have not yet met a single attractive one for yourself, then maybe you are looking for the wrong place and the wrong ones.

- Active lifestyle
- Self-confidence
- Diverse interests
- Time
Step 1
First of all, decide who are you looking for? If you are interested in a one-night stand, then keep visiting bars, nightclubs and discos. If you're looking for someone you'd like to introduce to your parents, then you're definitely looking in the wrong place.
Step 2
Don't make a list of the qualities you crave in your perfect girlfriend. Lists, of course, are a good thing, but we fall in love with those who win our hearts, and not with those whom we choose by reason.
Step 3
Communicate. Look for like-minded people in areas that interest you. You will be surprised how many girls there are. The Internet has made communication easier and more accessible for us. Use it. Check forums, communities, sites where people who are passionate about your favorite business gather. Participate in discussions, attend meetings and events that are organized there from time to time. Discover new hobbies, do something that attracts you, but that your hands never got around to. This tip has one more plus, it will be much easier for you to talk with the girl about what interests both of you, you already have common themes and this is great!
Step 4
Take a closer look at the girls in the bookstore. Paying attention to what books the girl you like is considering, you better represent the range of her interests. If she's looking at a book you've already read or highly specialized literature on a subject that you understand, you will have a topic for conversation with her.
Step 5
Help the girls. If you see a lonely girl with a heavy bag, what's stopping you from offering her help? Hold the door in the stairwell? Give way in transport? Late at night home in an unsafe area? Be a strong, kind and well-mannered man, and you can meet many girls. Even if they are not the only one, perhaps you will make friends with them, and they, in turn, will introduce you to their girlfriends?
Step 6
Tell your friends that you are looking for a girl. Maybe they know someone you like, but they don't think about it because they don't assume that you are looking. Be honest with them - they are friends!
Step 7
There are few things that annoy guys in the same way as parents wanting to introduce them to a "good girl." But why not? What do you have to lose? Agreeing to meet with the daughter of an old friend's mother does not mean that you will be obliged to marry her later. By the way, it is not necessary that the girl herself is asleep and sees how she marries you. Think about it.