Marriage between family members has long been condemned. Incest, or incest, is a problem raised in many scriptures such as the Bible and the Koran. History knows only a small number of tribes that cultivated the purity of the clan and married relatives, but these tribes have died out, or are on the verge of degeneration.

In addition to violating religious, cultural and socio-ethical norms and rules that oblige people to maintain the purity of kinship, consanguineous unions carry a huge number of medical problems, leading to the complete degeneration of the genus associated with genetic changes.
Degeneration history
The desire to resist forbidden relationships has been observed among many peoples since antiquity: the Germans, Australians, Hindus, Chinese and even the ancient Greeks resorted to various tricks to help eradicate sinful unions. History knows cases when children were forcibly excommunicated from their parents, guided by the best intentions.
In Roman and Catholic law, incest was considered a relationship, the line of kinship of which could be traced to the tribe established by the church; it is forbidden to marry half-brothers and sisters, direct relatives.
It was also considered incest to enter into a union of spiritual relatives.
In ancient Germany, such acts were punishable by criminal law and included all marriages between ascending and descending relatives. France of the 17th century turned a blind eye to this type of unions, punishing only attempts on the honor of minors. In Russia, kinship marriages were promised by exile to Siberia, imprisonment or imprisonment in a monastery, many states of modern America do not recognize the legality of marriages even of cousins and sisters, the laws of the country introduced fines and punishments through imprisonment. In Russia today it is forbidden to conclude and register marriages between close relatives.
Consequences of incest
Incest is believed to lead to serious inherited diseases. Deafness, blindness, various forms of deformity, genetic abnormalities and mental disorders are the result of marriage of blood relatives. Children with disabilities from childhood are many times more likely to be born to close relatives who have entered into a marriage relationship.
Ancient Egypt, for example, did not forbid such unions; the Inca tribes also resorted to kindred marriages.
Numerous studies have not confirmed a direct connection between the detected deviations of children and the relationship of their parents, however, recently the open and promulgated laws of Mendel's genetics proved that any genetic changes and latent diseases are more likely to manifest and inherit as a result of the marriage of relatives. It is believed that a harmful recessive gene can lead to the complete degeneration of the offspring of a particular line, making it unviable.
It is believed that incest, which is a consequence of marriages between relatives today, is a disease of the socially dangerous group, the poor, however, as practice shows, this kind of violation is not uncommon among representatives of the upper strata of society.