So you've met the guy of your dreams. He, too, was clearly delighted to meet, but he does not make any attempts at rapprochement. If there is no other girl on the horizon, and the young man clearly sympathizes with you, then it is quite possible to take the situation into your own hands. Perhaps the guy is just a little shy or completely inexperienced in dealing with the opposite sex.

Step 1
First, make friendships. Many girls worry that they can just remain friends with the guy they like. However, it is a big mistake to think so. Young people rarely pay attention or spend a lot of time together with girls they don't like. In addition, companionship will help you relax and feel more relaxed in each other's company.
Step 2
Flirt with him. Wink, clap your eyelashes, start speaking in a languid voice and laugh at unfunny jokes. Make the young man understand that you like him very much. Be nice, but don't overdo it, or he might think he is being hanged.
Step 3
If you see that the guy responds well to manifestations of sympathy, then you can gradually get closer to him. Tactile sensations will help you with this. Sometimes take his hand, kiss or hug when you meet or say goodbye to him. If you understand that the young man is shy, then talk to him. Perhaps he has no experience yet and is afraid to admit it. Start Internet or SMS correspondence. Sometimes it is much easier for a person to write some words than to say them out loud.
Step 4
Don't try to become a part of his life very quickly. Do not be offended if he forgot to call or write.
Don't ask him to be proactive all the time. Take matters into your own hands sometimes. Always respond to signs of attention with affection and kindness.