Why You Shouldn't Rush To Get Married

Why You Shouldn't Rush To Get Married
Why You Shouldn't Rush To Get Married

The conclusion of a marriage union is a responsible and significant act that affects, if not the whole life, then at least a serious part of it. That is why you should not rush to the registry office too much, even if the feelings seem strong and sincere.


Creating a family is a natural and logical ending for the development of a relationship, but not all romantic relationships end in weddings. Moreover, many hasty marriages soon fall apart, leaving ex-spouses with a sense of bitterness and disappointment in relationships, the institution of the family and, often, in each other. This happens for various reasons, but one of the main ones is that the newlyweds simply do not know each other to the extent necessary for a successful family life.

Psychologists clearly distinguish between such types of romantic attachments as falling in love and love, while many boys and girls do not see much difference. Meanwhile, falling in love is a purely emotional state, during which almost no attention is paid to analysis and reflection. People in love tend to idealize themselves, their partner, and even the surrounding reality. Unfortunately, this sensation cannot last forever, as a rule, the strongest emotional uplift does not last longer than six months.

During this time, you need to get to know your future partner as much as possible, understand his desires, motives, experiences, values and principles. In the so-called "candy-bouquet" period, all this does not really matter, but it is these qualities that come to the fore in family life. It often happens that people who marry on a wave of euphoria find themselves completely unaware of the person they are living with. Naturally, such a surprise can bring many disappointments that can ruin an early marriage.

Family life is significantly different from traditional romantic relationships, which consist of dates and walks under the moon. Everyday problems fall on the shoulders of newlyweds, moreover, they have to spend much more time together, and not everyone is ready for this. The romantic flair will inevitably fly off, since in marriage the partners get to know each other much closer, and by no means always this information at least approximately coincides with their ideas.

This is why marriages that are done too quickly are so much more frustrating for people than they are happiness. Of course, there are lucky exceptions, but there are not many of them, and it would be somewhat rash to expect that you will be lucky. If you are impatient to consolidate your relationship with your partner, to transfer them to a new level, it makes sense to begin with trying to live together without an official marriage, especially since modern society is much more loyal to such civil marriages.

In principle, public opinion is just as tolerant of divorce, but ideally, marriage vows are made for life, and a rapid divorce will certainly disappoint not only you, but also your relatives, who were sincerely happy for you at the wedding. If your relationship is really destined to be long and happy, then an extra six months without a stamp in your passport will not change anything, and can save you from grief and problems.
