Building your own pedigree is not only fun, but also very rewarding. Firstly, it makes it possible to find unknown relatives, lost information about your family and its history, and also allows you to trace any hereditary diseases or features over the generations, which is important when solving many medical problems. In order to independently build a pedigree, it is not necessary to be a specialist in genealogy, it is enough to follow its certain principles.

Step 1
Genealogy distinguishes between ascending and descending lineages, depending on who the original main person is. Traditionally, most of the lineages are descending from the oldest known ancestor. But such pedigrees are difficult to build and require a lot of special information and special knowledge. Therefore, for a person far from archival work, the easiest way is to create an ascending pedigree of his family, starting from himself, his parents and gradually delving into the past.
Step 2
The pedigree can be drawn up in three different ways: in the form of a family tree, in the form of a table, or in the form of a generational list. The choice of option mainly depends on the preferences of the creator, as well as on the availability of available information. A pedigree table is a schematic representation of a genus, including the names and dates of life of its members. Tables can be built vertical, horizontal and even circular; this does not change the essence of their content.
Step 3
The pedigree tree is close in meaning and structure to the table. In this case, its root will be the founder of the genus, usually the most distant known ancestor. And the trunk, leaves and crown are his descendants. The family tree also contains mostly only the names and dates of life - death.
Step 4
If there is a lot of information about the members of the genus, it is preferable to use a generational painting for its registration, in which you can include as much information as you like. Generational painting is compiled line by line and each line in it is assigned to a separate generation. All members of the genus are assigned individual numbers that avoid confusion when studying complex marital and family ties.
Step 5
The necessary information about the members of the genus can be obtained both orally from living relatives of the older generation, and from various documents. Records of acts of the LAW, parish registers, data from archives of state institutions and military archives, as well as any documents containing specific names, dates and names of the area are usually used as archival sources.