Some people suffer very much from being jealous of their beloved. Moreover, this feeling spoils the relationship, because jealousy is distrust, constant doubts about a partner, which, undoubtedly, after some time will bring love to nothing. Therefore, it is very important to overcome the pangs of jealousy in yourself. But how to do that?

Step 1
The first thing you need to do is increase your self-esteem. As a rule, its foundations are laid even in deep childhood, but it often happens that its level drops sharply already at a fairly mature age, and there are many explanations for this.
Step 2
Do not criticize yourself often, remember that you are imperfect. You don't have to be liked by everyone. Do not compare yourself to other people, especially if the comparisons are not in your favor.
Step 3
Take care of your appearance. To do this, visit the gym. Remember that a firm and beautiful body has a positive effect on self-esteem. Also, do not be lazy to go to the hairdresser, if necessary, change your wardrobe.
Step 4
Understand your emotions. To do this, be sure to be honest with yourself. Determine which situations affect you positively and which negatively. Think about why this is happening. Then try to control emotions, and bring those that, in your opinion, are negative to a neutral level for yourself.
Step 5
Be sure to talk to your loved one, explain to him that you are very jealous of him, and this gives you discomfort. Remember that sincerity is the main weapon against jealousy. Do not blame or shout in any way. Sometimes, after a frank conversation, jealousy comes to naught.
Step 6
Be confident in yourself. To do this, do not be afraid to make a mistake, remember your successes, achievements more often and praise yourself more often.
Step 7
If, after all, thoughts about your partner's infidelity overwhelm you, take your mind off them. To do this, do what you love, such as shopping. And most importantly: think about the good, remember the pleasant moments for the soul.
Step 8
If you cannot overcome jealousy on your own, ruining your life and the life of your partner, seek help from a specialist. Remember that you should never turn into a jealous Othello.