The Funniest Phobias

The Funniest Phobias
The Funniest Phobias

Table of contents:


Phobia is intense irrational fear and anxiety about an object or situation. Phobia is an obsessive uncontrollable fear that often interferes in life and for the person who experiences it, there is usually little funny in it. However, there are phobias so strange and unusual that they can make you smile.

The funniest phobias
The funniest phobias


Step 1

It may sound surprising, but not all people seek joy. There are also those who are afraid to have fun - hedonophobes expect punishment from higher powers for this. Eupophobes are afraid of good news, helophobes are afraid of laughter. Dorophobes avoid receiving gifts and do not give them themselves.

Step 2

While some people are crazy about cats and dogs and post their photos on social networks, others have no love for fluffy pets, because they are terribly afraid of them, or rather, fur. Doraphobes are afraid that after touching the animal's fur, they themselves will become overgrown with wool.

Step 3

It is not easy for those shopping lovers who are terrified of mannequins. The fear of dolls, robots and any imitation of people is called pediophobia.

Step 4

Also unlucky for women who have an inexplicable fear of mirrors (eisoptrophobia). It is interesting that beauties also have it.

Step 5

Mageirokophobia sufferers tend to visit restaurants more often, because afraid to cook food. Among such people, there are both men and women. There is also lacanophobia - a fear of vegetables, forcing people to deprive themselves of vitamins.

Step 6

The difficult relationship of a husband / wife with a mother-in-law / mother-in-law is one of the favorite topics of satirists and humorists. There is also penteraphobia - fear of a mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

Step 7

There are men who are afraid of women - this is gynecophobia. And some are afraid only of beautiful women - this is venustraphobia, thanks to which ladies who are dissatisfied with their appearance can find themselves a life partner among men with a similar fear. But at the same time, it is desirable that the man does not also have philophobia - the fear of falling in love.

Step 8

Bibliophobia manifests itself in fear of libraries and books. For example, some people are afraid that an open book will suck them inside. Others have a fear of computers and the Internet - cyberophobia and Internet phobia.

Step 9

There are people who would never agree to go with you to a museum where modern works of art are exhibited - they have ercinophobia.

Step 10

There are also "mystical" phobias: paraxavidecatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th, hexacosioihexecontahexaphobia - fear of the number 666. Phasmophobes are afraid to see a brownie, goblin, ghost or other otherworldly creature. People with hierophobia are afraid of priests, temples, sacred objects, because they consider themselves possessed. Papaphobes are afraid of the Pope.
