What Phobias Exist

What Phobias Exist
What Phobias Exist

Recently, the word "phobia" sounds a lot. Moreover, sometimes human fears look so strange that it is difficult to believe in their existence. What types of phobias are there? And how to deal with them?

What phobias exist
What phobias exist

Types of phobias

Phobia is a strong irrational fear of a certain action, phenomenon, object or situation. In this connection, a person tries to avoid what scares him.

Phobias cause great harm to the life of not only the individual himself, but also those around him, and sometimes serve as the cause of his complete loneliness.

Currently, the list of phobias is huge. The most common ones are the following:

- Aerophobia - fear of flights. People deal with this fear in different ways. Someone takes strong drinks before the flight, others prefer to replace them with sleeping pills, and still others meditate. If you can't pull yourself together, you can use another mode of transport. Still, no one has canceled trains and steamers, unless, of course, in addition to everything, you do not suffer from amaxophobia (fear of driving).

- Claustrophobia - fear of confined spaces.

- Acrophobia - fear of heights.

- Chlophobia - fear of the crowd.

- Verminophobia - fear of germs. This fear is very common among show business stars. For example, the singer Beyoncé simply hates toilets because of this and insists that her bathroom be washed several times a day. In turn, singer Michael Jackson did not part with the filter mask.

In Russia, Vladimir Mayakovsky suffered from verminophobia, so he avoided shaking hands, grabbed the railings and door handles only through a handkerchief, and took a soap dish, iodine and a folding bathtub with him on trips.

Of course, the list of phobias would be incomplete without some rather strange examples:

- Pediophobia - fear of dolls and mannequins.

- Peladophobia - fear of bald people.

- Chiclephobia - fear of chewing gum. By the way, the presenter Oprah Winfrey suffers from her, therefore it is strictly forbidden to come to her programs with "chewing gum".

- Sinophobia - the fear of the Chinese.

- Fronemophobia - fear of thinking.

- Panophobia - fear of everything. Etc.

Getting rid of phobias

According to experts, it is quite possible to get rid of phobias in some cases on your own. Someone simply manages to overcome themselves. So it was with the model Tyra Banks, who was afraid of dolphins from childhood, but after swimming with them, she came to the conclusion that these are peaceful and pretty cute creatures.

Some fears are treated with hypnosis.

If your own strength is not enough to deal with the phobia, you should seek the help of a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist, otherwise the disorder may begin to progress.
