What Folk Signs About Children Exist

What Folk Signs About Children Exist
What Folk Signs About Children Exist

From the past centuries, various signs and superstitions have come down to us, which, according to our ancestors, should warn about various events. Despite the fact that modern life dispels many legends about the influence of mystical rituals, spells, signs and the like, superstitious people have not diminished. Do I need to believe in existing folk signs about children?

folk signs about children
folk signs about children

The most common popular superstitions about children

It is believed that children are more vulnerable to the forces of evil, so everything connected with them is accompanied by various prohibitions and superstitions.

1. In the first 40 days after the birth of a child, it is strictly forbidden to show it to anyone except close relatives. This is due to the fact that during this period he can be jinxed. Even if the person is not superstitious, there is still a sense in this sign, since a newborn baby in the first weeks of his life is most susceptible to various infections, so he does not need contacts with a large number of people during this period.

2. Until one year old, the child should not be brought to the mirror - he will overlook his happiness. Our ancestors generally had a lot of mystical things associated with mirrors, so this superstition is not surprising at all. Believe it or not is an individual matter, but psychologists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that, on the contrary, it is useful for a child to consider himself in a mirror, this has a beneficial effect on development.

3. The baby should not be bathed on the day he was born. This superstition is known to many, but when a baby appears, it is usually simply forgotten.

4. You cannot cut your child's hair before one year, as this can lead to poverty and deafness. This sign is perhaps the most common. And many parents, even not being superstitious, cut their child for the first time in a year. This has already become more of a custom than a sign.

5. Before giving birth, you cannot buy clothes for your unborn child. In ancient times, it was believed that if the clothes were bought, and the child had not yet been born, then it would belong to the forces of evil and the child would no longer get it. In our time, of course, everything is much simpler. And if you don't buy anything for the baby in advance, then after arriving from the hospital you will need to find time to go shopping for clothes and other necessary things for the baby instead of enjoying your new position. And before you get to the hospital, for sure, doctors will ask you to bring with you a couple of sliders, vests and other things for the first time. Therefore, in any case, you still have to buy something in advance.

You can believe, you can not believe in folk signs about children, but they have every right to exist and are designed for their audience. Our ancestors believed, many still believe. Good or bad, it is impossible to say unequivocally, since this topic has many opinions and they are all different. The main thing is not to take superstition too seriously. It is better to remember that any thoughts materialize, so you need to think exclusively about the good!
