Small children are by nature very cowardly. Some quickly cope with fear and forget about its cause, and some develop phobias, which is extremely sad. The susceptibility of such children is aggravated, and it greatly complicates their life.

Such children should not read scary stories or be allowed to watch awful movies. As a rule, they are afraid to sleep without light, darkness and places such as under the bed, behind the closet and under the table in a dark room scare them. Leave the light in the hallway and do not close the door tightly, so the child will feel a little protected. You can leave the light from a dim lamp in the room, but this is already if the baby is completely scared. Stay with him, read at night, whatever good and good.
You should not distance yourself from the child when he is afraid and say that he is making it up, although, perhaps, this is so. All this he can do from lack of attention and thus, he wants to receive it.
Children have different fears and not only because of the darkness. Children can be afraid of different things, people, events that happened to them or objects that contributed to it. Fear is normal, every person, even an adult, is afraid of something. The main thing is for parents to behave calmly in such situations, then the child will endure it much easier than if he sees that mom (dad) is panicking.
When children are infants, the emotional bond with the mother is much stronger. And if the mother is nervous or worried, then, accordingly, the child behaves restlessly.
Some children make up friends for themselves who are with them when they are scared or adults cannot pay attention to them. Thus, they are not alone, and the feeling of fear is dulled. This is not bad when the child is small, but if this remains at an older age, of course, you need to see a specialist.
Some parents scare their children themselves, not realizing that the child takes everything literally. There is no need to say that if he does not obey, then Baba Yaga or some other fairy-tale character will take him. Because of this, the child may be afraid of fairy tales and their heroes. Also scare a child on the street with an uncle. It can be explained more gently that you cannot go anywhere with strangers, you cannot take sweets and other sweets from strangers, as they can take him away from his mother and offend him.
It is worth remembering that you need to talk with the child and explain everything to him is understandable and understandable, then he will grow up to be an obedient, courageous and loving parent.