Making eyes is a special science. And she occupies one of the main places in the art of flirting. Every girl should know her. Remember, in the old film, mother taught her daughter, who was sitting in brides, to "shoot" with her eyes? In the process of attracting, the gaze plays a dominant role.

Step 1
First of all, you must show with a glance that you are interested in a man. Therefore, do not hide your eyes. It's good to start making eyes in nightclubs, discos, candlelit cafes. In the dark, the pupils dilate, and the gaze seems sexier, which immediately attracts attention.
Step 2
Eye behavior is also very important. If you like someone, you unconsciously try to meet the eyes of that person. So, if you want to pique the interest of a man, take a look at him. Just look into your eyes for no more than a second, since a long look can mean two extremes: either love or aggression, but you don't need it.
Step 3
And now the process itself. First, tilt your head and look at the guy. As soon as you catch his eye, quickly avert your eyes to the side and look first down, and then back to the side. This look is askance, at first slightly mistrustful, then showing interest, and only then, giving consent to an acquaintance. Such eye manipulations must be carried out at the very beginning, at the first meeting. You can practice in front of the mirror first.
Step 4
A good prerequisite for starting a relationship is also looking over a raised shoulder. Look at the object of interest, slightly turning sideways to it, from a half turn, slightly lifting the shoulder.
Step 5
The man will be interested and the look that you will send, as it were, past his face, is a little dreamy. By this you, let him think so, are trying to hide your interest in him. This will get his attention.
Step 6
Another method is to make a few quick glances into the man's eyes. Their total duration should be from two to seven seconds. During this time, a stable contact will occur between you.
Step 7
Now you need to put more sexuality into your look. This can be achieved by imagining some kind of mood-appropriate picture with a sexual meaning. And the eyes will immediately transform, sparkle and sparkle. The man will be intrigued.
Step 8
And now, you just need to learn how to make it all look natural, so that men do not perceive your views unambiguously, so that the secret that they love to unravel is preserved.