Trying to attract attention and interest a man, women often "make eyes". This is one of the many ways to flirt that needs to be learned and used as directed. Sometimes these skills can come in handy not only on dates, but also in a car repair shop, for example.

First you need to give your eyes expressiveness. Someone has a natural charm and does not need makeup. Others need to apply eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, and other products to make their eyes look spectacular.
How to make eyes
You can attract a man's attention with quick glances. It is enough to look into his eyes for one second, and then quickly look away. He will feel the gaze and will pay attention to you. And when the first contact is established, you can move on to other techniques.
After you have intrigued him, you can give the man a sign of your sympathy. Look at him until he looks back at you. After that, immediately turn your eyes down, and then to the side and again return your gaze to him. In the "corners" of this triangle, you need to make small pauses so that it is a triangle, and not circular movements. This method can be used at the beginning of an acquaintance or to provoke him to an acquaintance.
If you are on the other side of the room and are seated in a chair, you can use over your shoulder glance. This technique makes a strong impression on men, as the shoulder will be associated with the chest, which will add sexuality to your flirting. To do this, you need to turn slightly sideways to the selected man, face half-turned, shoulder slightly raised. From this position, you, as in the previous methods, cast glances at the man, and then avert your gaze to the side.
You don't have to look directly at the man or in his eyes. You can look past him with a thoughtful look, as if you do not notice him. At first it may seem to him that you are paying attention to him, and when he realizes that your gaze is directed to the side, he wants to interest you.
Important nuances
The expression of the eyes is also important, because an empty or bored gaze will never catch a man. Think of something sexy, like upcoming night with this handsome man, and it will add sparkle to your eyes.
After you learn to "shoot with eyes", you need to bring your skills to perfection. Everything should look natural, unobtrusive and not too straightforward. You seem to be flirting, but at the same time you are not. Let the man puzzle over your views, because they love to solve riddles so much.
For the first workouts, you can use unfamiliar men. You can flirt on the bus, in the library, in line, or go to a club where there is a certain atmosphere for this. Due to the dimmed light, your pupils will increase, and your gaze will acquire a special magnetism.