A strong personality has inner stability and spiritual harmony, and this quality helps a person in life to a much greater extent than pumped up muscles. Possessing the strength of the spirit, a person is happy and confident in himself, can overcome any obstacles and is able to move mountains. Just like the musculature, the mind is amenable to training. And if at the moment you are not yet a strong person, with enough effort, you can become one.

Step 1
For starters, learn to face your fear. In the modern world of stress, a person is faced with one or another alarming situation every day. But you can't let fear be stronger than you. Learn to look him straight in the face and understand his causes. Imagine the worst that can happen, and imagine that it has already happened. Accept this bad thing. You will have to go through unpleasant sensations, but then fear will not have power over you.
Step 2
Don't feel sorry for yourself. Self-pity, resentment towards others, claims from the category “everyone owes me” are the lot of weak individuals. These feelings take energy from you, set you up for negative thoughts, and make you feel like a weak loser. Remember all the grievances that are still alive in your soul, relive the situation that traumatizes you and forgive the people who offended you. The moment you do this, you will physically feel yourself becoming stronger.
Step 3
Live for today. Many people live on memories, and it makes no difference whether those memories are good or bad. When you are living in the past, you are not living in the present. Obsessive memories of the past drain you of your energy. Realize that the past is gone and will never happen again. And in the future, joy and happiness await you, if you just believe in it.
Step 4
Drive bad thoughts away from you. The way of thinking is also a habit, and many people are used to living seeing everything as extremely bad. Learn to see at least a drop of good in all the events of your life. Do not forget to look for the positive aspects in everything that happens to you, and one day you will see that you simply cannot think otherwise.
Step 5
Help people. Strong people are always ready to share their inner strength with others, while weak personalities are used to thinking exclusively about themselves. However, remember that help should not be at the expense of yourself and your own interests.