Lack of attention to each other can sometimes be a huge problem in a marriage. From here, mutual reproaches and quarrels begin, and there it is not far before divorce. In order not to bring the matter to a critical situation, it is necessary to be able to comprehend what is happening in time and take concrete steps towards the partner.

Step 1
Try to make time for each other. These should not be just routine phrases in the morning before going to work or watching the next evening series together. Make it a rule to call each other during the day and ask about business. When talking, express your feelings, ask for advice, or just listen to your partner. Discuss business, problems, and concerns together. Make it clear to your other half that you value them.
Step 2
Add a touch of romance to your relationship from time to time. Create an environment that can remind you of the beginning of your relationship and remember the taste of almost forgotten feelings. Invite your spouse out on a date to a park where you used to love to walk together, or to a restaurant or cafe where you met.
Step 3
Most fights are born from a lack of communication in a couple. Therefore, try to communicate with each other as much as possible. Sometimes, having a heart-to-heart conversation can prevent serious scandals. Try not only to convey your thoughts to your partner, but also listen to his arguments. Don't be afraid to openly express your wishes and opinions. Express them, do not think that your chosen one must constantly guess about your feelings and thoughts. Understatement and misunderstanding of each other very often translate into alienation.
Step 4
Take care of each other. A deliciously prepared cup of tea or a favorite dessert, a small gift for no reason can fill you with good mood for the whole day. The main thing is to do everything from the heart, and your spouse will definitely feel it.
Step 5
Evaluate all of your partner's actions. Take a closer look at what contribution he makes to the family. Constantly praise him for his help, say that you are very grateful to fate for being together.
Step 6
Spend as much time as possible together. Visit different places, travel together.
Step 7
Regardless of what happens in life, the ability to find time and the desire to do something pleasant for your soul mate will help you find harmony and change your life for the better.