Sometimes you say something to a child and you see that he simply does not hear you, does not perceive what you are trying to tell him. It is necessary to come to an understanding and ensure that the child hears you.

Step 1
Talk to your child in a sincere, friendly way, looking directly into their eyes. Sit down so your views are on the same level. Speak clearly and clearly what you want to convey to the child. Avoid allegories and generalizations. When talking with your baby, do not give out many commands at once: "Take off your clothes, wash your hands and sit down to dinner." The crumb may get confused, do it in stages.
Step 2
Requests are direct and indirect. If the first calls for immediate action, then the second can be pondered. "Will you clean up your room?" Hearing such a phrase, the child thinks: "No, I will not clean up, and that will do." But a request formulated differently will force the baby to take action. Say in a different way: "Clean up your room and we will go for a walk." The child clearly understands what he needs to do, plus he has an incentive to fulfill the instructions of his parents as quickly as possible - this is a walk.
Step 3
If the child is stubborn and deliberately pretends that he does not hear, or openly ignores you, act according to the method: "I did not hear - I did not receive." For example, I didn't go to the store for milk, which means I didn't get pancakes for dinner. I didn't learn my lessons on time - I missed an interesting film. Just remember that this method should work in a positive direction as well. If the child has fulfilled your assignment, you, in turn, reward him for it. Thus, the baby will understand that it is necessary to listen to the parents, and it is simply unprofitable to ignore their requests.
Step 4
If you want your child to hear you, learn to actively listen to him yourself. Do not dismiss him, arguing that you are busy or tired. It is important for the child to know that the parents are interested in him, actively listen, understand and sympathize with him. Communicate more often with your child, be interested in his life, success and hobbies. Turn your face to children's feelings, emotions and experiences and the child will respond in kind.