Each child is individual, so it is impossible to say unequivocally at what age he will pronounce the long-awaited "mother". However, there are a number of specific criteria that allow parents to control the development process.

Criteria for the development of speech
Child development is a complex individual process that has a number of specific criteria that help parents monitor possible deviations. Usually babies pronounce their first conscious word up to a year, and at the age of 13-17 months they already know how to change intonation and consciously express their thoughts.
Experts say that a two-year-old child's vocabulary should be about 200 words. Starting from six months, the baby can memorize about 10 words a day, so during this period you need to actively engage with him. At the age of 2-3 years, the baby's consciousness allows him to talk about his preferences, thoughts and feelings. His speech becomes more complex - he can easily maintain a conversation using speech constructs. The child is happy to say his age, name, and also readily answers any requests.
By 36 months, the crumbs' vocabulary expands to about 300 words, it already combines verbs, nouns and adverbs, forming full sentences. For a while, he may speak too quietly, or, conversely, too loudly - he just needs to determine the optimal level of loudness of his speech. It should be remembered that each child has its own characteristics, so minor deviations from the established norms are not a cause for concern.
Cause for concern
If by 10-12 months the child absolutely does not speak "his" language, does not respond to the name and completely ignores the appeals of adults - this means that parents should think about possible deviations. It is also worth contacting a specialist if at an earlier age, mainly from 7-9 months, imitative play actions and reactions to simple verbal commands were not noticed for the baby.
It happens that the baby is silent or babbling in its own language, but at the same time understands everything. Until a year and a half, this is not an obvious cause for concern, which means that his time has not yet come, the baby silently accumulates vocabulary in order to pleasantly surprise adults. This may be due to the fact that parents immediately unquestioningly follow any of his commands, and the need for this automatically disappears. For example, a child hums, points to a cup of water - and they give him a drink right away, the child reaches up - and his mother picks him up. That is why experts say that kids attending kindergarten are more adapted to the outside world, they learn to potty faster, dress independently, speak, etc.