You have a wonderful guy: smart, wealthy, funny and strong. If not for a couple of his creepy habits, he would be perfect. Do you want to slightly alter your loved one, but are afraid that it is useless? After all, they say that adults do not change. Of course, no one has yet succeeded in turning a mobile, swarthy and well-fed merry fellow into a slender, dreamy blond. But you are quite capable of weaning the big boy from chomping while eating.

Step 1
Start with yourself. You can sit down and calmly talk about what habits infuriate you in each other. Do you think that everything is in order for you, and your loved one is delighted with everything that you do? Moreover, it is him, and not your socks, you get from the most unexpected places with enviable regularity. But you still ask. Hear a lot of interesting things. For example, how he is pissed off by your sweet habit of leaving a spoon in a mug when you are drinking tea. Agree to improve together. He does not throw socks all over the apartment, you drink tea beautifully.
Step 2
Do everything gradually. If your loved one loves to sleep on weekends, always skipped physical education at school and considers all athletes to be narrow-minded and stupid, then you should not buy him a subscription to the coolest fitness club or give him a snowboard for his birthday. Start small, like walking in the evening. Walking is the most accessible sport. You can talk about anything and wind more and more kilometers every day. Incidentally mention famous athletes who have become famous in the field of politics or science. No one would call Schwarzenegger, Khorkina or Klitschko narrow-minded. Persuade your loved one to take you to the pool, as you alone are scared, bored, and you want to be together. And bring swimming trunks and a hat for him. Proceed carefully and slowly. First, one trifle, after a while another. Even the largest elephant can be eaten bit by bit.
Step 3
Praise your boyfriend. For what? Are you really dating someone you can't even praise for? Especially praise something that he rarely does, and you would like it to become a habit. Did your loved one make dinner for the first time on the seventh anniversary of your meeting? You shouldn't sob with happiness and sit on the phone for weeks, describing the heroism of your boyfriend to your friends and relatives. But be sure to express your admiration for what a caring and romantic man you have, how delighted you are at the sight of this dinner. Yes, if he did this more often, you would do anything for him, you would even refuse a new fur coat this year! Dinner after work is more important, isn't it?
Step 4
Find out more about your boyfriend. Do you know why he has such an aversion to formal suits or why he hates dogs? There are reasons for everything. If you find out that a neighbor's dog scared him as a child, then maybe you shouldn't stamp your feet and shout that he doesn't love you at all if he doesn't want to give you a Labrador. Go see a friend who has a dog together. Watch a show about pets together. Persuade to visit the nursery once for your sake. If you know the reasons for the behavior, or any addictions, then it is much easier to change them. Or maybe you will understand that it costs nothing to change. After all, your boyfriend is the best, since you love him.