Keeping a child's self-esteem high is an essential part of parenting. The child should not have complexes, otherwise he will not live a bright and boring life. Parents, never forget that the child requires constant attention and care, help him in everything.

Where does the child's self-esteem come from?
Adults should help build high self-esteem in the child. After all, a child in a child's self-esteem is formed on the basis of some conclusions and ideas about himself. And he takes these ideas from adults, but most importantly, he draws them from his parents.
Parents, start with yourself
Don't say you're doing worse than everyone else. Get rid of negative thoughts, bring positive energy. The child is your reflection. If you do not want the child to develop complexes, then do not even give him a reason for this. Encourage him, say that he is great. Let him only accept positive energy from you. Only then can he become a winner in life.
Pass the habit on to children
Let your child, like you, think only good of himself, let him control his thoughts. They should only be positive. And if he was called with bad words, then explain to him that he does not accept these insults. Let him act in the same way as he would with a gift: if someone gave him a gift, but he did not accept it, then the gift will belong to another. Insults should not be accepted, let them belong to the person who expressed them.
Encourage your child
Praise your child even for small accomplishments. After all, what is important is not the scale of the perfect, but the positive result. Praise will give the child an incentive to overcome all new obstacles, of which there will be a lot. Pass on your positive emotions to him, and then it will intensify several times. Also, a child gets a lot of positive emotions if he personally succeeds in what he has started. Therefore, you should provide at least a little help in his case, but this help will cause a rise in self-esteem.
Treat your child with respect
Never tell him that he will not cope with any task, this can increase the chance of a complex. Even if the child does not succeed in something, do not scold him, and even more so do not insult him.
So, in order to grow a champion, you need to adhere to these rules. Your child can become the happiest, then you will be happy too.